
第76章 不怎么样的食物

Two tigers were stalking through the jungles of Asia。Suddenly,the one to the rear reached out with his tongue and licked the posterior of the tiger in front of him。The startled front tiger turned and said,“Cut it out。”The rear tiger apologized and they continued onward。

About five minutes later,it happened again。The front tiger turned,growling,“I say stop it。”The rear tiger apologized again,and they continued。

Another five minutes passed,and again the front tiger felt the unwanted tongue。The front tiger turned,giving the rear tiger a ferocious glare,angrily hissing,“What is wrong with you?”

The rear tiger replied,“I'm sorry—I really don't mean to offend you。But I have just eaten a lawyer and I'm trying to get the taste out of my mouth!”





1.stalk v。高视阔步地走过,(疾病等)在……蔓延,在……猖獗

There are sharks stalking in those waters。(在那片水域有鲨鱼出没。)

2.rear n。后部,后面,背后,背面

The rear of the house is a piece of woodland。(在房子后面是一块林地。)

3.posterior n。后部,臀部

He paused a moment to raise his posterior from the chair。(他停顿了一下,从椅子上立起来。)

4.startled adj。受惊吓的

I was startled to hear his news。(我听到他的消息大吃一惊。)

5.ferocious adj。凶猛的,残忍的

a ferocious attack(一场凶猛的进攻)

a ferocious lion(一头凶猛的狮子)

1.reach out 伸手拿[抓],伸向前,追求,伸出援助之手

We must reach out to those in need。(我们必须对有需要的人伸以援手。)

2.cut out 切断,删去,关掉,停止

The radio is cut out suddenly。(收音机突然停了。)自我测验21:

1.Early this year cruel snowstorms hit Southern China,great transportation problems in some areas。

A。having causedB。causedC。causingD。to cause

2.At the moment public attention is focusedthe earthquake occurring in Sichuan many people suffer。


3.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday butdidn't help。


4.—Mary,I have cleaned the room for you。

—Thanks。Youit。I could manage it myself。

A。needn't B。needn't have done

C。mustn't doD。shouldn't have done

5.—Isn't that Ann's husband over there?

—No,itbe him。I'm sure he doesn't wear glasses。

A。may notB。mustn't C。won'tD。can't

6.—Come on;please give me some ideas about the project。

—Sorry。With so much workmy mind,I almost break down。

A。filledB。fillingC。to fillD。being filled

7.—It's thirty years since we last met。

—But I still remember the story,believe it or not,we got lost on a rainy evening。


8.—The warranty(保修)on these cell phones is one year。I am covered if it's broken?

—That's right。it's damaged。


9.—Was ithe said or something that he didhurt her pride?

—It's none of my business。


10.—It was too cold yesterday morning,and I couldn't get my car。

—Why didn't you trythe battery with some hot water?

A。started;to fillB。going;fill

C。to run;fillingD。starting;filling
