

1.St.Augustine!well hast thou said,That of our vices we can frame A ladder,if we will but tread Beneath our feet each deed of shame.

2.All common things-each day’s events,That with the hour begin and end;Our pleasures and our discontents-Are rounds by which we may ascend.

3.All thoughts of ill-all evil deeds,That have their roots in thoughts of ill;Whatever hinders or impedesThe action of the nobler will,-4.All these must first be trampled down Beneath our feet,if we would gainIn the bright field of fair renownThe right of eminent domain !

5.We have not wings,we cannot soar,But we have feet to scale and climbBy slow degrees-by more and more-The cloudy summits of our time.

6.The mighty pyramids of stone That wedge-like cleave the desert airs,When nearer seen and better known,Are but gigantic flights of stairs.

7.The distant mountains that uprear Their frowning foreheads to the skies,Are crossed by pathways that appearAs we to higher levels rise.

8.The heights by great men reached and kept,Were not attainedby sudden flight;But they,while their companions slept,Were toiling upward in the night.

9.Standing on what too long we bore With shoulders bent and downcast eyes,We may discern,unseen before,A path to higher destinies .

10.Nor deem the irrevocable past As wholly wasted,wholly vain,If rising on its wrecks at lastTo something nobler we attain.