

1.A hungry spider made a web Of thread so very fine,Your tiny fingers scarce could feel The slender little line.

All .Round about,and round about,And round about it spun;Straight across,and back again,Until the web was done.

2.Oh,what a pretty,shining web It was when it was done !

The little flies all came to see It hanging in the sun.

All .Round about,and round about,And round about they danced;Across the web,and back again,They darted and they glanced.

3.The hungry spider sat and watched The happy little flies;It saw all round about its head,It had so many eyes.

All .Round about,and round about,And round about they go;Across the web,and back again,Now high again,now low.

4.“Oh,come within and sup with me,You pretty little flies;I’m sure you‘d like to see my house,”The hungry spider cries.

All .But round about,and round about,And round about once more;Across the web,and back again,They flitted as before.

5.For all the flies were much too wise To go too near the spider;They flapped their little wings,and flew In circles rather wider.

All .Round about,and round about,And round about went they;Across the web,and back again,And then they flew away.