






停火stop the firecease the fire

写日记write a diarykeep a diary

创造奇迹create a wonderwork a wonder

测量脉搏measure sb蒺s pulsefeel sb蒺s pulse提高兴趣increase one蒺s interestarouse one蒺s interest抱有希望carry the hopeentertain the hope

取消封锁cancel the blockadelift the blockade吃药eat medicinetake medicine



a)I have to go the near road.

b)I have to take the shorter route.


a)It is important to obey the time.

b)It is important to be punctual.


a)He said that he slept very late.He was looking for an excuse.

b)He said that he stayed up late.He was making an excuse.[18]吸烟有害身体,不要学他的样。

a)Smoking is harmful for your body.Don蒺t learn from him.

b)Smoking is harmful for health.Don蒺t follow his example.

还有我们经常在学生作文中读到的accept the reality(“接受现实冶的正确说法是live with reality),grasp time(“抓紧时间冶的正确说法是make use of time),touch the so鄄ciety (“接触社会冶的正确说法是be exposed to society),telephone 119(“拨打119冶的正确说法是dial 119)。可见这些问题主要是中国学生不了解英语中动词和宾语搭配比汉语严谨。

[19a]The government tries to improve the standard of living.[19b]The government tries upgrade /raise the standard of living.

“提高生活水平冶不能用动词improve。但如果表示”提高生活条件冶就可以用im鄄prove:improve the living condition。improve 还可以和ability 等搭配。如“提高会话水平冶、”提高领导水平冶、“提高英语水平冶分别为:“improve one蒺s conversational ability冶、“improve the art of leadership冶、”improve English冶。有趣的是English 本身就有“能力和水平冶的意义,因此”提高英语水平冶的英语不需要加level。尽管汉语中“提高冶可以和“水平冶搭配,但英语中,improve 则不能和level 搭配。再如“提高文化/道德水平冶则用:“raise the intellectual /moral level 冶。

[20a]It is necessary to teach stuents a little knowledge of American history.[20b]It is necessary to impart students a little knowledge of American history.

汉语中”教冶既可和“英语(数学、物理)冶搭配,也可和”知识冶搭配,还可以和“一门课程冶搭配。而英语中则分别用不同的词:teach English /maths impart /pass on to knowl鄄edge,offer a course。这和”学习冶动词一样,汉语中说“学英语冶、”学知识冶、“学课程冶。英语则用不同的动词:learn English、acquire /gain /pursue knowledge、take a course。


a)Although he did not express them,I could see his thoughtsb)Although he did not express them,I could read his thoughts.[22]从他的语调中,我可以听出点什么。

a)I could hear something from the tone of his voice.

b)I could tell something from the tone of his voice.[23]我想我们不可能同意这样的要求。

a)I蒺m afraid it is impossible for us to agree with such requests.

b)I蒺m afraid it is unlikely for us to grant such a request.[24]当地人似乎不怕天热。

a)The local people don蒺t seem to be afraid of the hot weather.

b)It seems that the local people don蒺t mind the hot weather.[25]我心理一个沉重的担子终于放下了。

a)A weight in my mind has been laid down at last.

b)A weight has been lifted from my mind.[26]穿新鞋有点脚痛。

The new shoes pinch.

汉语说”脚痛冶,英语说“鞋夹脚。冶在动宾搭配上我们发现中国学生有使用高频动词的倾向。如邓耀臣等(2005)通过中国大学生和本族语大学生使用英语do、get、give、make、have、take 6个高频动词的对比,发现中国大学生使用这些动词搭配的频率远远超过后者。他们参照《中国学习者英语语料库》中非英语专业大学生子库(CLEC鄄St4)和英语专业大学生子库(CLEC鄄St6),英语本族语大学生情况参照the Corpus of Canadian Native University Students Eng鄄lish Writing(COCNUS)。

出现这种情况有几个方面的原因,如(1)这些高频或虚化动词都是学习最早,而且使用广泛,(2)词汇量有限,提取其他同义动词的搭配困难,(3)担心用错,挑最简单有把握的搭配,(4)语体意义不分。英语do、get、give、make、have、take 搭配的词语绝大多数用于口语体中,因此英族人在书面体中较少用。而中国学生尤其是初学英语者不了解这一点。根据邓耀臣等的统计,本族语大学生使用虚化动词的比例只有22.8%,而中国英语专业大学生是40%,非英语专业则高达56%,”大多数口语体虚化动词搭配只有中国大学生使用。如:do shopping、do reading、have a look、have lunch、have a rest、have a mind、make a bargain、make a telephone call、make fun、make a living、make a mistake、make a statement、make a fortune、make a profit、take a chance、take a notice、take pains、take part、take drugs、take a risk 等。冶缪海燕等(2005)从《中国英语学习者语料库》中发现,中国学生写作和do 搭配的最多的是job(做工作)、work(做工作)和best(做得最好),出现的频率分别达到264次、112次和113次。而和washing、shopping、cooking、deed、bit 搭配的出现频数都只有3次;同样和make 搭配的最多的是friends、living、mistakes 等,而和decision、effort 搭配较少。汉语表达的影响,甚至出现make success、make practice、make a great develop鄄ment、make good communication、do more beautiful dreams、do anything but success、take fur鄄ther progress、take some means 这样的母语等值翻译错误。缪海燕等还发现,除母语影响,学习时间的前后也有关系。中国学生“能够熟练掌握并倾向于过度使用的搭配一般在中学阶段就要求掌握,而那些没有出现在语料库中的搭配大部分到了大学阶段才要求掌握的冶。如下面这些搭配都是要求在大学阶段掌握的,因此在大学生作文中较少使用:

Do:do justice to,do credit to,do one蒺s utmost,do a favour,do a good turn,do some damage,do the honorsMake:make a difference,make a fool of,make a fuss over,make allowance for,make the best of,make the mostTake:take a chance,take a fancy to,take charge,take hold of,take note of,take effect,take exception to,take shape6.5.2主谓搭配错误


a)I feel college studies are quite busy.

b)I feel quite busy with college studies.


a)Although his historic knowledge is very rich,his exam did not pass.

b)Although he is rich in historic knowledge,he failed in history.

[29a]If he watches TV like this,his eyes will be completely blind one day.[29b]If he watches TV like this,he will completely blind one day.

就英语来说,”紧张冶的主语应是“人冶,而不是”学习冶。rich 要求的主语是人,而不是知识。汉语认为“眼睛瞎了冶,搭配没有问题,但英语的blind 已经包括”眼睛冶意思了,无须再用his eyes。同样,“我的肚子饿了冶就是I am hungry,没有”My stomach is hungry冶的搭配,因为hungry 就是针对肚子的感觉。再如,“他年纪很轻冶,英语就是He is very young。如写His age is very young 就不符合英语表达习惯,因为英语的young,就是对age 来说的。同样,”他的脑子很聪明冶,英语的表达是He is very clever,而非His brain is very clever,因为就英语来说,clever 并不表现在brain 上。

[30a]His body is weak but his spirit is good.[30b]He is physically weak but mentally sound.

汉语说“身体虽弱,思路敏捷冶没有问题,但英语中weak 和sound 是直接描述人的。