
第43章 美丽人生 (3)

2. 这真是一个奇迹!无论冬天多么漫长,无论霜雪多么严寒,自然总能获胜。没有哪个季节像春天那么让人翘首企盼……每年春花的烂漫总让我惊讶不已:野生报春花和紫罗兰的娇嫩,公园里藏红花的多彩,还有高大的郁金香和傲然的水仙花。

3. 想象这样一幅图景:温暖的春风弥漫着泥土的气息,阳光照射着每一寸土壤,土壤把阳光染成深红色。空气中渗透着泥土的清香,脚下的小草与头上的蓝天遥相呼应。

4. 每个春天都是独一无二的,是自然界永恒的奇迹。

5. 在春天这个季节里,当天朗气清的时候,如果不到室外观赏大自然的丰饶,并分享天地的喜悦,就是对它的一种伤害和亵渎。

Music Opens Up The Heart音乐开启心灵

1. Li Shangxuan, a 19-year-old talented musician from Formosa, excels at playing the piano and percussion instruments. His self-confidence and musical proficiency belies the fact that he suffers from autism and fauvism. At the age of three, Shangxuan was diagnosed to be hyperactive autistic, moderately mentally retarded, and have a developmental language delay. During preschool, he could not sit still in the classroom and often ran out to play by himself.

2. However, in his early childhood, Shangxuan was found to be musically talented and gifted with an unusual memory for time and numbers, especially license plates. His preschool principal discovered that the child would tap his fingers in tune with the music as if he was playing the piano. His mother, pleasantly surprised, thought that perhaps playing the piano could relieve his hyperactivity. But in the beginning, she could find no teacher brave enough to accept a student who could not sit still. It is a general belief that only quiet people can learn to play the piano. So could a hyperactive child do it? Surprisingly, Mrs. Li found that as soon as her son put his hands on a piano, his attention would become focused.

3. Shangxuan has gradually won social recognition for his music performance, capturing awards in many major music competitions. He was a member of the Ju Percussion Group’s Juvenile Percussion Ensemble. He played piano periodically at the Children Are Us Restaurant chain, which are staffed by mentally handicapped people. He is currently a key member of Kaohsiung’s Prince Percussion Group, formed by autistic children, and often participates in group performances and charity concerts. In addition, Shangxuan performs solo recitals in piano and percussion music at cultural centers, his repertoire including challenging compositions by Bach, Mozart and Chopin.

4. Shangxuan has an excellent memory. He can play any local or foreign song upon impromptu request, without having to look at the musical score. Citing Shangxuan as an example, Mrs. Li encourages parents of autistic children to discover their potential strengths and help them come out of their enclosed world by developing their talents.

5. Music has been used in treating autism by many professional institutes around the world. Through music and melody, the children learn to express themselves and interact with others. In the world of music, autistic children share a common language with normal children - that music brings happiness.

6. Constant effort and loving support from family and friends have helped Shangxuan emerge from his inner world to inspire others with his music of life. Leading a life of dignity and value, he is a living testimony that music can help autistic patients go beyond hindrances and communicate with others in the depths of their hearts.

1. 来自福尔摩沙的现年19岁的天才音乐家李尚轩,不仅弹得一手好钢琴,同时也精通打击乐。当他在台上演出时,他那熟练的演奏技巧以及弹指间流露出的自信,让人很难想象他自出生即患有先天性蚕豆症,三岁时更被鉴定为过动型自闭症及中度智障儿,语言能力发展迟缓。读幼儿园时,还常常因为过动坐不住,无法在教室上课,一个人跑到外面玩。

2. 然而,尚轩在婴幼儿时期即显露出音乐的天分,并且对于车牌、号码、时间等都有极佳的记忆力。就读托儿所时,园长发现每当播放音乐时,尚轩的手指就会跟着舞动,彷佛在弹奏钢琴一般。尚轩的妈妈听了之后深感惊讶,心想也许可以透过学习钢琴来舒缓他的过动现象。尚轩的妈妈说,儿子刚开始学琴时,没有老师敢收他,因为他坐不住,大家都认为学钢琴都是很安静的人,过动儿怎可能学好?但她却意外发现,儿子只要一碰到钢琴就会变得专注。

3. 尚轩的音乐表现渐渐受到各界的肯定,他曾多次在大型音乐比赛中获奖,曾是朱宗庆打击乐团——杰优青少年打击乐团的成员,也曾在工作人员均是心智障碍者的喜憨儿天使餐坊定期进行钢琴演奏,目前则是高雄市星星王子打击乐团(由自闭儿组成的乐团)的主要团员,并经常参加团队表演及慈善义演活动。此外,尚轩还在文化中心举办大型钢琴、打击乐器独奏会,演奏高难度的巴哈、莫扎特、肖邦等曲目。

4. 尚轩记忆力极佳无比,国内外各首歌曲都可任人点奏,而且不用看乐谱即能弹出动人的旋律。尚轩的妈妈藉此鼓励家中同样有自闭儿的家长们,要去发掘自闭症儿童的长处,然后藉由发挥这些长处来帮助他们走出封闭的世界。

5. 事实上,世界各地已经有许多专业机构应用音乐来治疗自闭症儿童,让他们透过音乐与旋律,学习适度与他人互动以及自我表达。在音乐世界中,自闭症儿与一般孩子一样拥有共同的语言,就是音乐带来的喜悦。

6. 由于尚轩的努力不懈及周遭亲朋好友的爱心相助,他走出自我的世界,为世人演奏出一篇篇激励人心的生命乐章,也活出了生命的尊严与价值,而且从他身上,我们再次证明自闭症患者可透过音乐超越障碍,在心灵深处相互沟通。

Warble For Lilac-Time为丁香花季节而歌唱

1. Warble me now for joy of lilac-time,

2. (returning in reminiscence,)

3. Sort me O tongue and lips for Nature’s sake, souvenirs of earliest summer,

4. Gather the welcome signs,

5. (as children with pebbles or stringing shells,)

6. Put in April and May, the frog croaking in the ponds, the elastic air,

7. Bees, butterflies, the sparrow with its simple notes,

8. Blue bird and darting swallow, nor forget the high-hole flashing his golden wings,

9. The tranquil sunny haze, the clinging smoke, the vapor,

10. Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above,

11. All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running,

12. The maple woods, the crisp February days and the sugar-making,

13. The robin where he hops, bright-eyed, browned,

14. With musical clear call at sunrise, and again at sunset,

15. Or flitting among the trees of the apple-orchard, building the nest of his mate,

16. The melted snow of March, the willow sending forth its yellow-green sprouts,

17. For spring-time is here! The summer is here! And what is this in it and from it?

18. Thou, soul, unloosened—the restlessness after I know not what;

19. Come, let us lag here no longer, let us be up and away!

20. If one could but fly like a bird!

21. To escape, to sail forth as in a ship!