
第36章 Mother Holle(2)

The girl told all her adventures;and as soon as the mother hear how she had come by SO much wealth,she was very anxious to obtain the same good luck for the ugly and lazy daughter.She had tO seat herself by the well and spin;and in order that her spindle might be stained with blood,she stuck her hand into a thom bush and pricked her finger.Then she threw her spindle into the well,and jumped in after it.

She came,like the other,to the beautiful meadow and walked along the very same path.When she got to the oven the bread again cried:“Oh,take me out!Take me out!Or I shall bum;I have been baked a long time!”But the lazy thing answered:“As if I had any wish to make myself dirty!”and on she went.Soon she came to the apple—tree,which cried:“Oh,shake me!Shake me!We apple are all ripe!”But she an—swered:“I dare say but one of you might fall on my head,’’and SO went on.When she came t0 Mother Holle’S house she was not afraid.for she had already heard of her big teeth,and she hired herself to her immediate—ly.

The first day she forced herself to work diligently.and obeyed Moth—er Holle when she told her to do anything,for she was thinking of all the gold that she would give her.But on the second day she began tO be la—zy,and on the third day still more SO,and then she would not get up in the morning at a11.Neither did she make Mother Holle’S bed as she ought,and did not shake it SO as tO make the feathers fly up.Mother Holle was soon tired of this,and gave her notice to leave.The lazy girl was willing enough to go,and thought that now the golden rain wouldcome.Mother Holle led her also to the great door;but whilewasstanding beneath it,instead of the gold a big kettleful of pitch was emp—tied over her.“That is the reward for your service,”said Mother Holle,and shut the door.So the lazy girl went home;but she was quite covered with pitch,and the cock on the well,as soon as he saw her,cried out:“Cock—a—doodle—doo!Our dirty girl come home again!”But the pitch clung fast to her,and could not be got off as long asshe 1ivedstepdaughter n.继女,过继的女儿Cinderella n.灰姑娘bloodstained adj.血污的,犯杀人罪的shook n.一套现成板料;禾束堆homesickness n.乡愁maiden n.年轻未婚女子,处女,少女

adj.未婚的,初次的,处女的pitch n.焦油,沥青



















Initate BirdSA man tried t0 get a job in a stage show.“What can you do?’’asked the producer.

“Imitate birds.”the man said.

“Are you kidding?”answered the producer.“People like that area dime a dozen.’’“Well,I guess that’s that.”said the actor,as he spread hisand flew out the window.


