
第28章 Unit Eight Healthy Living (3)

2 ) Our office hours a re from 9 am to 7 :30 pm weekdays and 9 am to 4 pm on Saturdays call us now,we can help!

a battery of 一连串的

[ 例句] A whole battery of meas ur es was t ried in an at - tempt to get them to give up cigaret tes.

be prone to 易于发生(不愉快事) 的,有发生(讨厌事) 倾向的

[ 例句] You have to bear in mind that Angela is rather prone to exaggeration.

doze off 打磕睡,迷迷糊糊地睡着

[ 例句] Teacher’s long time lecture makes the students doze off.

get by 勉强对付过去

[ 例句] How can you get by on so little money.

sign off (广播电台或电视台) 停止(当天的) 播出

[ 例句] The broadcaster signed off the r adio show by whishing all the listener s good night.

sit in 列席

[ 例句] I am inte rested in how you teach your class.May I sit in and watch?

sleep in 睡过头,睡懒觉

[ 例句] I usually sleep in at the weekends.

Passage Ⅱ A Pill for Every Ill?


accurate4 [.... kjur..t ] a dj.正确无误的

[ 同义] authentic ,careful ,close ,correct ,exact ,just

[ 反义] imprecise ,inaccur ate ,inexact ,wrong

[ 考点] an accurate clock/ machine 精密仪表(机器) an accurate description/ repor t 准确无误的描述/ 报告be accurate in sth.(or doing sth .) 在(做) 某事


[ 例句] 1 ) She is always accurate in her use of language.

2 ) He r novel is an accurate reflection of life in postwar Spain.

adverse6 [.... dv....s ] ad j.不利的,逆的,有害的

[ 同义] conflicting ,cont rary ,counter ,hostile ,hurt ful ,opposite

[ 反义] advantageous ,favorable

[ 考点] adverse weather conditions 恶劣天气

adverse publicity/ c riticism 非难,指责

adverse public reaction 不利的公众反应

adverse impact 反作用力

[ 例句] 1 ) So far the drug is thought not to have any adve rse effects.

2) The match has been cancelled due to adverse weather conditions.

agent4 [..eid....nt ] n.① (药) 剂,作用者②代理人,代理商

[ 同义] delegate ,deputy ,emis sa ry ,envoy ,oper ator

[ 考点] a powerful cleaning agent 高效清洁剂

[ 例句] 1 ) Please contact our agent in Spain for fur ther information .

2 ) He was the agent of their dest ruction.

allergic [....l....d..ik] ad j.过敏的

[ 同义] affected ,opposed ,sensitive

[ 反义] tolerant

[ 考点] be allergic to sth.对.过敏

[ 例句] I’m allergic to cats.

allergy [.... l..d..i ] n.过敏性反应,过敏症

[ 例句] Your skin problems are caused by an allergy to wheat.

ant ibiotic [ .. ntibai....tik] n.抗生素

beverage [..bev..rid..] n.饮料

cancel4 [..k .. nsl] v.①抵消②取消

[ 同义] abolish ,annul,compensate ,delete ,eliminate

[ 例句] 1 ) We were planning to go camping ,but we had

to cancel at the last minute because two of our par ty we re ill.

2 ) The 7 :10 tr ain to London has been canceled.

coma [..k..um..] n.昏迷(状态)

diabetic [dai....betik] n.糖尿病患者

disastrously* [di..z....st r..sli] adv.灾难性地

[ 同义] miser ably ,te rribly ,fatally ,dr eadfully

[ 反义] successfully ,t riumphantly

[ 例句] Things began to go disast rously wrong.

dispense [ di..spens ] v.①配(药) 和发(药) ②施与,分配

[ 同义] allocate ,assign ,dist ribute ,share ,supply

[ 考点] a dispensing chemist 配药师

dispense advice/ wisdom 给予建议/ 智慧

[ 例句] My aunt has gained a reputation for dispensing advice.

drain4 [drein] v.使排光

[ 同义] dry ,evacuate ,leak ,discharge

[ 考点] drain away/ off 排光

drain sb.使某人精疲力竭

drain of color/ blood 面色苍白/ 面无血色

[ 例句] 1 ) Drain (off) any liquid that is left in the rice.

2 ) As s he heard the news ,her face slowly dr ained of color.

extract6 [..ekst r .. kt ] v.①提取,榨出②拔出


[ 同义] abstr act ,choose ,cite,draw ,elicit ,uproot

[ 反义] inser t

[ 考点] ext ract from 从.中拔出

an extr act from a book 某书的摘录

ext racts of/ from seve ral plants 几种植物的提取物

[ 例句] 1 ) The oil which is ext racted from olives (橄榄) is used for cooking.

2 ) After much persuasion they managed to extr act information from him.

glucose [....lu..k..us ,....lu..k..uz ] n.葡萄糖

gum4 [....m] n.①牙龈,牙床②口香糖

[ 考点] a gum shield 牙套

gum t ree 橡皮树,橡胶树

up a gum t ree 有困难,在困境

bubble gum (or chewing gum) 泡泡糖

[ 例句] 1 ) If you brush your teeth too hard ,your gums may sta rt to bleed.

2) She walked down the str eet chewing a piece of gum.

harbor4 [..h....b..] v.怀有,怀着


[ 同义] lodge ,s hield ,conceal,house ,por t

[ 考点] ha rbor a grudge against sb.对某人不满

ha rbor suspicions about sth.对某事(物) 持怀疑态度

ha rbor a secret passion for sb.暗恋某人

a ha rbor master 港口管理人

[ 例句] 1 ) Our hotel room ove rlooked a pretty little ha rbor .

2 ) I’m cer tainly not harbor ing a secret passion for the man ,if that’s what you’re thinking.

hazardous* [..h .. z..d..z] adj.有危险的,担风险的

[ 同义] dangerous ,risky

[ 反义] safe

[ 考点] a hazardous journey/ occupation/ spor t/ chemical 危险的旅行/ 职业/ 运动/ 化学物incision [ in..si....n] n.切开,切口

[ 考点] incision in (the ) skin 皮肤切口

[ 例句] The new technique involves s urgeons making small incisions in the skin into whichtubes a re inser ted.

injection4 [ in..d..ek....n] n.注射

[ 考点] insulin injections 胰岛素注射

be given injections against (some disease ) 打预防针

[ 例句] At school we were given injections against the most common diseases.

insulim [..insjulin;(US) ..ins..lin] n.胰岛素

interference6 [ int....fi..r..ns ] n.干涉,妨碍

[ 考点] interference in sth.干涉某事物

[ 例句] The government ’s interfer ence in the st rike has

been widely cr iticized.

lapse [ l .. ps] n.终止

[ 同义] discontinue ,end ,expire ,terminate

[ 考点] a lapse of memory 失忆

[ 例句] A key witness claimed that a lapse of memory pr evented him from remember ing exactly wha t had happened.

license4 [..lais..ns ] v.批准,许可


[ 同义] approval ,authorization ,permit ,consent ,cer tificate

[ 考点] a dog license 养狗执照

driving license/ (Am) driver’s license 驾驶执照

apply for a license to do sth 申请干某事的执照

be given more license to do 获得许可做.

be licensed to do sth.被许可做某事

the vehicle licensing cente r 车辆发证中心

[ 例句] Seve ral companies have been licensed to sell these products.

miraculous [mi..r .. kjul..s ] ad j.奇迹般的

[ 同义] ext raordinary ,marvelous,remarkable ,wonderful

[ 例句] He read yet another ad for a diet that promised miraculous weight los s.

mult iple4 [..m..ltipl ] ad j.多重的,多样的

[ 考点] multiple injuries/ gunshot wounds/ handicaps 多处受伤/ 枪伤/ 残疾

a multiple bi rth 一胎多生

a multiple choice exam 选择题测试

[ 例句] Wha t the person does next is the r esult of the multiple influences to which they have been exposed.

nonprescription [..n..npri..skrip....n ] adj.未经医生处方可以买到的omi t4 [....mit ] v.①省去,略去,遗漏②疏忽,忘记做某事

[ 同义] exclude ,mis s ,neglect ,skip

[ 考点] be omitted from 被略去

omit sth.省略

omit to do sth.忘记做某事

[ 例句] 1) I would be very cros s if I wer e omitted from the list of contributors to the r epor t.

2) She omitted to mention s he was going to New York next week.

painkiller [..pein..kil..] n.止痛药

penicillin [ peni..silin] n.青霉素

pharmacist [..f....m..sist ] n.药剂师

potent [..p..ut..nt ] adj.(药等) 有效力的,效力大的

[ 同义] forceful ,mighty ,powerful ,strong

[ 反义] impotent

[ 考点] a potent symbol of 有效证明

a potent force in somewhe re 有生力量

potent weapon 尖端武器

potent drug 良药

[ 例句] 1 ) Surprise r emains the terrorists ’ most potent drug.

2) The Be rlin Wall was a potent symbol of the cold wall.

precise4 [ pri..sais] adj.精确的

[ 同义] accur ate,definite ,exact ,positive

[ 反义] doubtful ,incorrect ,vague

[ 考点] a t the pr ecise moment 在准确的时间

to be pr ecise 准确地说

[ 例句] 1 ) Stop cooking the rice at the pr ecise moment

when its middle still feels a little hard.

2) There was a good turnout for the meeting- twelve of us to be pr ecise.