
第29章 Unit Eight Healthy Living (4)

pregnant4 [..pre..n..nt ] ad j.(人) 怀孕的,(动物) 怀胎的

[ 同义] productive

[ 考点] become pregnant 怀孕了

get sb.pr egnant 使某人怀孕

become pregnant by sb.因某人而怀孕

be heavily pr egnant 快临产了

be pr egnant with twins 怀了一对双胞胎

[ 例句] 1 ) We moved house when I was heavily pregnant.

2 ) He believes tha t men who get young girls pregnant

should be seve rely punished.

procedure4 [ pr....si..d....] n.(做事情的) 步骤

[ 同义] course ,manne r ,means ,measure ,process ,step ,way

[ 考点] a procedure for doing sth.作某事的过程

follow standard procedur e(s ) 遵循标准的程序

[ 例句] 1 ) The re is a complicated procedur e for set ting up the printer.

2 ) Social workers have standa rd procedur es which

they must follow when they a re taking children away from their par ents.

repel6 [ ri..pel ] v.①排斥②赶走,驱逐

[ 同义] disgust ,nauseate ,offend ,r ebuff ,repulse ,r evolt

[ 反义] a tt ract

[ 考点] repel the enemy/ temptation 击退敌人(拒绝诱惑)

[ 例句] 1 ) The defenders repelled the a ttack without losing any men.

2 ) Her a rrogance (骄傲自大) repels many people .

similarly4 [..simil..li] adv.差不多,相似地

[ 同义] alike ,like ,same

[ 反义] different ,dissimilar ,cont radictory

[ 考点] be similarly dressed (looked) 穿着打扮相似

[ 例句] 1 ) The children were similar ly dr essed.

2 ) Cars must stop at red t raffic lights :simila rly ,bicycles should stop too ,but they don’t always do so.

surgeon6 [..s....d..n] n.外科医生

surgery4 [..s....d....r i] n.外科(手术)

[ 同义] ope ration

[ 反义] medicine

[ 考点] open hea rt s urgery 心脏手术

hip replacement surge ry 大腿移植手术

eye surgery 眼部手术

perform the s urgery 做手术

unde rgo eight hours of surgery on one’s hea rt 作了八个小时的心脏手术

have surgery on one’s left knee 在左膝上动手术

need major/ minor surgery on one’s leg 需要在大腿上动大/ 小手术

[ 例句] 1) The doctor who performed the surgery gave my

mother an 85%chance of full recovery by September .

2) He had surge ry on his lef t knee six weeks ago.

swell4 [ swel ] v.肿胀;膨胀

[ 同义] amplify ,broaden ,bulge,enlarge ,expand ,


[ 反义] cont ract ,shr ink

[ 考点] swell (up) 膨胀了

swell sth.to 增加到.

swell (one’s ) r ank s to 扩大人数到.

one’s hear t/ breast swells (swelled) with proud 感到非常骄傲

[ 例句] 1 ) Twenty five employees have joined the union in this month alone,swelling its ranks to 110.

2 ) The grains of rice swell (up ) as they absorb water.

tablet6 [..t .. blit ] n.药片

terrifying* [..terifaii..] ad j.令人害怕的,可怕的

tolbutamide [ t..l..bju..t..maid] n.甲糖宁(一种治糖尿病的药)

tube4 [ tju..b] n.管子

[ 同义] hose ,pipe ,reed

[ 考点] a tube of toothpaste 一管牙膏

[ 例句] Squeeze the base of the tube gently and apply an even coat of glue to both surfaces.

typify [..tipifai] v.是.的典型

[ 例句] With her cropped (剪短了的) hair and mannish clothes,she typifies the sort of feminist (女性主义者) often feared by men.

yearly4 [..ji..li] adv.每年

a great many 很多很多的

[ 例句] A grea t (good) many people who voted for her in the last election will not be doing so this time.

a host of 大量,许多

[ 例句] Ther e is a whole host of reasons why he didn’t get the job.

lapse into 陷入

[ 例句] Everyone quarreled his opinions ,the debate lapsed into disorde r.

weigh against 掂量,权衡

[ 例句] Only when we weighed against all the disadvantage r elated to our journey can we decide when would be the best time to star t.

Passage Ⅲ Nothing to Sneeze At


acute4 [....kju..t ] adj.① (疾病) 急性的②严重的③敏锐的

[ 同义] astute ,discerning ,keen ,shrewd ,smar t

[ 反义] dull

[ 考点] suffe r from acute abdominal pains/ acute financial difficulties ) 患急性胃疼病/ 突遭财政困难

feel acute embarrassment/ anxiety/ concern at one’s

behavior 为某人的行为尴尬/ 忧虑/ 担心

the acute shor tage of sth.极缺某物

[ 例句] 1 ) She was taken to hospital suffering from acute headache.

2 ) Because of the acute post war shor tage of const ruction materials ,private building was seve rely r est ricted.

attendance6 [....tendns] n.出席,参加

[ 反义] absence

[ 考点] a ttendance at lectures/ meeting 到会人(数)

a ttendances at church 去教堂者(做礼拜者)

in attendance 照顾,保护

[ 例句] 1 ) Attendances at church ar e falling.

2 ) The singer never goes out without his security man in attendance.

carrier4 [..k .. ri..] n.①带菌者②运货人③运输军队、飞机、战车等之车辆、舰艇等

[ 考点] carrier pigeon 传信鸽

airc raft carrier 航空母舰

carrier bag 装货袋

[ 例句] 1 ) The re is a lot of competition between ca rrie rs for the right to fly the route between London and New York.

2 ) The number of HIV ca rrie rs in Thailand is surpr isingly incr eased now.

chill4 [ t..il ] n.①发冷②寒气

[ 考点] catch a chill = catch a cold 感冒

take the chill off somewhere = make somewher e slightly wa rmer 使某地暖和点儿send a chill down one’s spine = make sb.feel s ud- denly fearful 使某人毛骨悚然

[ 例句] 1 ) Don’t go out with wet hair ,you might catch a chill.

2 ) As soon as we a rrived we lit the fire to take the chill off the room.

comparable4 [..k..mp..r..bl ] ad j.相当的,同类的

[ 反义] dis simila r ,incompa rable ,unlike

[ 考点] be of compa rable (= similar) ages 年龄相当A is (or is not ) compar able with B A 与B (不) 一样(好)

[ 例句] 1 ) The girls a re of compa rable ages.

2 ) I t was a pleasant beach resor t but it wasn ’t compa rable with the one we stayed at in the Ba - hamas.

complication6 [ k..mpli..kei..n] n.①并发症②复杂情况

[ 反义] simplification

[ 例句] 1 ) If any complications a rise ,let me know and I’ll help.

2 ) If there a re no complica tions,the doctor says she’ll be able to come home within two weeks.

contaminate6 [ k..n..t .. mineit ] v.使.受污染

[ 同义] corrupt ,defile ,infect ,pollute

[ 考点] be contamina ted by 被污染

[ 例句] Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.

discharge4 [..dist......d..] n.流出物,排出物


[ 同义] dismiss ,expel ,fire ,let go ,release,unload

[ 反义] charge

[ 考点] discharges from the nuclea r plant 核电厂的排出物be discha rged into somewhe re 被排入.

discharge one’s duty to do sth.履行做某事的责任

discharge ce rtain responsibilities 承担某种责任

discharge a debt 立刻付款