
第8章 Unit Two Manners (1)


1) His long service with the company was with a present.

A.admit ted B.acknowledged

C.att ributed D.accepted

2) The dog the rabbit but could not catch it.

A.followed B.chained

C.chased D.t railed

3) She reached for a la rge dia ry and it as if to verify my statement.

A.advised B.identified

C.recommended D.consulted

4) The wood is cracking in the heat ,and pieces a re split ting a - way.

A.running away B.dividing into sections

C.breaking into bits D.connecting together

5) The child could not catch his father’s st ride.

A.feet B.pace

C.expectation D.r equirement

6) The of the nation is weakened when its citizens mist rust the gove rnment.

A.fabric B.textile

C.fate D.workshop

7) “You never elaborated on that remark ,didn’t you ?”the bos s said.

A.analysed B.explained

C.investigated D.conside red

8) Airplanes ,good roads ,and telephones make inte rcourse with diffe rent par ts of the count ry far easie r than it was 50 years ago.

A.convenience B.interfer ence

C.facilities D.dealings

9) The candidate c riticized his opponent’s record.

A.rival B.friend

C.colleague D.teamma te

10) He has got a for not taking things seriously.

A.char acter B.style

C.personality D.r eputation

11 ) The earnings from expor ts pay for the impor t that they need and want.A nation ’s balance of payment is a record of these complex.

A.t ransactions B.pa rameters

C.toads D.cones

12) In ,I agree with your proposal ,but I’m not sur e if it will actually work.

A.theor em B.theory

C.theoretic D.theor etically

13 ) As the clouds drif ted away an even higher peak became to the climbers.

A.in sight B.obvious

C.visible D.apparent

14) The manage r lost his just because his secreta ry was ten minutes late.

A.mood B.tempe r

C.fantastic D.passion

15) The reporte r asked the gener al to on his statement.

A.r epea t B.explain

C.elaborate D.r epor t


1) B 2 ) C 3) D 4) C 5) B 6) A 7 ) B 8 ) D

9) A 10) D 11) A 12 ) B 13 ) C 14) B 15 ) C

Part One In Class Reading No One Stops to Say“Thank You”Anymore


acknowledge4 [..k..n..lid..] vt.承认,答谢,报偿

[ 同义] ①admit ,confes s,②thank

[ 反义] deny

[ 考点] acknowledge sb .’s financial assistance 感谢某人的经济援助

acknowledge sth.承认做某事

It is acknowledged that .是大家公认的

[ 例句] He grudgingly acknowledged the t ruth of their


acquisi tion4 [ .. kwi..zi..n] n.获得,获得物,获取

[ 例句] He devoted his time to the acquisition of knowledge.

anymore [..eni..m....] adv.不再,再也不(一般只用在表示否定意义的上下文中)

brunch [..b..nt..] n.早午餐

bundle4 [..b..ndl] n.捆,束,包v.捆扎

[ 考点] a bundle of 一包,一扎

make one’s bundle 挣一大笔钱

a bundle of bank notes 一扎钞票

a bundle of cont radictions 许多矛盾

a bundle of problems 一大堆问题

[ 例句] The books wer e tied up in bundles of twenty.

buzz6 [ b..z] n.嗡嗡声v.①作嗡嗡声,嗡嗡作响,充满了激动或活动的声音② 发出低沉,嘈杂的声音

chase4 [ t..eis ] n.追赶,追击

v t.追赶,追逐

[ 同义] hunt ,pursue

[ 考点] chase about 跑来跑去

chase after 追赶

chase up 设法找到

in chase of 追求

[ 例句] Chase af ter Ann and ask he r to get some eggs.

chick [ t..ik] n.(俚) 少女,少妇

chivalrous [....iv..lr..s] adj.(男人) 有武士(骑士) 风度的,侠义的

cliché [..kli....ei] n.陈词滥调

clown [ klaun] n.小丑,粗鲁愚蠢的人

commonplace6 [..k..m..npleis ] n.平凡的事,平常话ad j.平凡的,普通的,不足为奇的

[ 同义] ordina ry

[ 辨析] ordina ry;commonplace

ordina ry 用途较广,所表达的判断通常也不那么严酷;commonplace 强调期望中的创新、独特与事实上令人失望的普通、庸俗之间的悬念。

[ 例句] “East ,west ,home is best”is a well known commonplace.

courtesy6 [..k....tisi] n.谦恭,允许,礼貌,有礼的举止或言辞

democracy4 [ di..m..kr..si] n.民主,民主政治,民主主义

[ 考点] believe in democracy 信仰民主

bourgeois democracy 资产阶级民主

weste rn type democ racy 西方式民主

[ 例句] The teacher’s democ racy made him loved by all his pupils.

destined6 [ destind] ad j.命中注定的

disintegrat ion* [ dis..inti....rei..n] n.解体,瓦解

emulate [..emjuleit ] n.仿效


[ 同义] imita te

[ 例句] He can emulate Chairman Mao’s speaking style.

fabric4 [..f .. brik ] n.织品,织物,布,结构,建筑物,构造

[ 考点] cot ton fabric 棉织品

dur able fabric 耐用织品

silk fabric 丝织品

soil fabric 土壤结构

synthetic fabric 合成纤维织品

textile fabric 纺织品

[ 例句] The whole social fabric was threatened with disintegr ation.

freeway [..fri..wei] n.高速公路,高速干道

[ 同义] expressway

[ 例句] We should build more freeways to speed up the tr affics a round the Los Angeles.

indication4 [ indi..kei....n] n.指出,指示,迹象,暗示,象征

[ 考点] show (give ) indications of 有.的迹象

All the indications point to 所有迹象表明.

according to all the indications 根据种种迹象

the first indication of .的初步迹象

[ 例句] Ther e ar e many indications that ther e will be no wars in the next ten year s.

inevitably* [ in..evit..bli] adv.不可避免地

ironic* [ ai..r..nik ] adj.讽刺的,有讽刺意味的,说反话的

laden [..leidn ] ad j.装满的,负载的,苦恼的

[ 考点] be laden with heavy r esponsibility 肩负重任

a mind (hear t ) laden with grief 充满忧伤的心

t rees laden with fruits 果实累累的树

[ 例句] The air is laden with the delicious aroma of the newly cut golden gr ain.

oversensit ive* [....uv....sensitiv] ad j.过分敏感的,神经过敏的

sibling [..sibli..] n.兄弟,姐妹,同胞,同属

squeeze4 [ skwi..z] v./ n.挤入,挤出,塞

[ 同义] pres s

[ 考点] a t (upon ) a squeeze 危机之际

be in a close (tight ) squeeze 陷入困境

put the squeeze on sb.对某人施加压力

a squeeze of people 密集的一群人

[ 例句] The measure squeezed through the par liament.

stride6 [ st raid] v.大步走(过) ,跨过,大步行走n.①进展,进步事②大步,步幅

[ 考点] take in one’s str ide 毫不费力地做

hit one’s st ride 发挥出正常水平

be thrown out of one’s stride 仓皇失措

[ 例句] He failed to hit his st ride in his new job.

takeout [..teikaut ] adj.供顾客带出外吃的

[ 同义] takeaway

[ 考点] deliver takeout orde rs for a r estaurant 替一家餐馆送熟食到订货客户

thoroughfare [......r..f....] n.通路,大道,大街

[ 例句] The St rand is one of London’s busiest thoroughfa re.

at hand 近在手边

[ 例句] Keep the dictionary at hand.You may need it at any time.

dish up 把(食物) 装盘,盛在盘中端上饭菜

[ 例句] I shall be ready to dish up in a few minutes ,ar e the family all a t table?

gather up 使聚集,收拢,集拢

[ 例句] He gathered up the loose ears of wheat in the fields.

give and take 互相让步,互相迁就

[ 例句] In any r elationship there always has to be some give and take.

help (someone) out 帮助某人(尤指摆脱困境或危难)

[ 例句] We decided to use collective st rength to help out membe rs with such difficulties.

lecture on 训斥,告诫

[ 例句] 1 ) My aunt gave me a long lecture on the dange rs of drink.

2 ) Mrs.Reed was continually lectur ing her childr en on their behavior.

much less 更谈不上

[ 例句] He can ha rdly offe r beer ,much les s champagne.

no doubt 肯定地,想必

[ 例句] No doubt she was disturbed by the noise.

run around 在.四处奔跑

[ 例句] The childr en were running around in the garden.

run over 在.上跑过,撞倒

[ 例句] If he hadn’t pulled the child away ,it would have been run over by the t rain.

step aside 走开一点,让开一点

[ 例句] Please step aside to make room for the luggage.

Part Two After Class Reading

Passage Ⅰ Men’s Liberat ion from Etiquette


advancement* [..d..v....nsm..nt ] n.①前进,进步②提升

[ 同义] ①progr es s② promotion

[ 考点] the advancement of lea rning 学术的长进

the oppor tunity of advancement for sb.某人深造的机会

an advancement in pay 工资的增加

[ 例句] He came her e not for per sonal advancement ,but to help improve the well being of people.

awkward4 [......kw..d] ad j.难使用的,笨拙的,尴尬的

[ 同义] clumsy