The big ring of light that sometimes appears around the moon is caused when the moon shines on high clouds that are filled with tiny ice crystals.The ice crystals reflect the moon light in such a way that we see a circle of light.Rings appear around the sun,too-and for the same reason.When you see a ring around the sun or moon,usually means that a storm is coming.
What Are the Rings of Saturn
Saturn is the most spectacular planet of all to see through a telescope.This is because of its shining rings.The rings probably consist of billions of chunks of ice,or icecovered rocks,that whirl around the planet’s equator in four glowing rings.It is the sunlight striking the rings that make them shine.
Why Do Stars Twinkle
The stars themselves don’t twinkle.They seem to twinkle because we see them through the air that covers the earth.As the light from a star shines down on earth,it passes.through unsteady layers of cold and warm air.The different layers of shimmering air bend the starlight in different ways so that it seems to change in brightness,and the star appears to twinkle.
How Does Water Put Out a Fire
When a fireman squirts water on a burning wall,the heat of the fire turns the mater to steam.The steam smothers the fire by shutting out the air needed by the blaze.At the same time,the water cools the burning material below its kindling temperature—the point below which it will not burn.
Where Does Dew Come From
Dew is caused by the cooling of the air.On a clear night,after the sun has stopped warming the earth,the ground cools off quickly.When the night air touches the cooled blades of grass,the air becomes chilled,too.It gives up some of its moisture,which condenses,or changes into dewdrops.Dew doesn’t fall.It simply collects on grass and flowers or anything that is colder than the air around it.
What Is a Venus’sflytrap
The venus’sflytrap is a small carnivorous plant that lives by digesting insects.Its leaves are hinged in the middle,and hairlike triggers set the trap.Insects are attracted by the leaf’s bloodred center.When an insect touches one of the triggers,the halves spring together.Their teeth like edges form a cage that holds the victim fast,as digestive juices in the leaf digest the meal.
What Is Breadfruit
From its name it is easy to guess that a bread like food can be made from the starchy fruit of the tropical breadfruit tree.Its round fruit is about the size of a coconut.The mealy pulp inside looks much like bread when baked.
Islanders gather the breadfruit and roast it over hot coals.A breadfruit may also be sliced and fried like a potato or dried and pounded into flour to make breadfruit bread.
How Do Bananas Grow
Bananas don’t grow on trees.They grow on tall stalks made up of stiff bundles of leaves.The bananas grow in bunches on a long flower stalk that bends down toward the ground.The bananas are harvested while they are still green.Bananas have no seeds.New banana plants grow from pieces of the old rootstock.
What Makes Waves in the Ocean
Most waves in the ocean are made by wind.It blows over the surface of the water,making ripples.As the wind pushes the ripples along,gravity tugs at them and pulls them down.They form ridges of water that travel across the sea and eventually break against a shore.A wave may travel thousands of miles from the place where it was formed.
What Causes Fog
Fog is most likely to appear when a warm,damp breeze is cooled as it passes over cold land or water and mixes with the colder air near the surface.The sudden chiling of the warmer air changes some of the moisture in the air into tiny droplets of water.These drops are not bigenough to fall as rain,but float in the air as fog.
How Does Frost Kill Plants
It is not the frost itself that kills the plant.The plant dies because the freezing temperature that causes frost to form also freezes the plant.As the juices inside the plant freeze,they expand and burst the delicate plant cells,killing the plant.