How Does a Megaphone Work
If you want to make your voice sound louder to people far away,you can use a megaphone.Usually the sound waves of your voice travel outward in all directions.The megaphone makes the voice sound louder because it points the sound waves in only one direction and keeps them from spreading out.Thus,the sound is Intensified,or made stronger.
Why Do Water Drops Form on a Cold Glass
The beads of water that form on a glass of lemonade or icecold water on a warm day have nothing to do with the water in the glass.They are beads of dew that have condensed from the air.They form when the warm air strikes the cold glass.The air becomes chilled,too.It gives up some of its moisture,which collects as dew drops on the glass.
How Does a Neon Light Work
The colourful neon signs on stores are made of long glass tubes filled with a special gas called neon.An electric transformer sends electricity through the colourless gas,making it glow brightly with an orangered light.Other gases make lights that are blue and green.
When Was the Umbrella Invented
It seems natural to put up an umbrella to keep off the rain.But actually,the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain.The first umbrellas originated as sunshades which the slaves of ancient Egypt held over their masters.As the use of umbrellas spread to other countries,the people living in wetter countries discovered that umbrellas made good protection against the rain,too!
What Does SOS Stand For
SOS is the call for help from a ship at sea.Some people think that SOS means“Save Our Ship”.Actually,the code doesn’t stand for anything.It was chosen for a distress signal because it is an easy signal to send by wireless.It consists of three dots,three dashes,and three more dots.
How Does a Drum Make Its Sound
Sounds are caused by vibrations.When you rap a drum sharply with a drumstick,the drumhead vibrates rapidly.As the drum vibrates,it disturbs the air around it in such a way that sound waves are produced.The sound is resonated,or increased,by the hollow drum shell.When the sound waves reach your ears,you hear the sound made by the drum.
Why Does the Whistle Sound LowerAfter the Train Passes
It is the train’s motion that changes the whistle’s pitch.When the train is moving toward you,the sound waves are crowded together.More waves strike your ears each second,and the whistle sounds high and shrill.As the train rushes by,the sound waves are stretched farther apart,and the pitch of the whistle seems lower.Because the engineer moves with.the train,he hears only one pitch.
How Does a Florescent Lamp Work?
A florescent Lamp is a glass tube filled with a gas called mercury vapour.The inside of the tube is coated with a material called phosphorus.When the light is turned on,an electric current causes the gas to give off an invisible ultraviolet light.The ultraviolet light makes the phosphorus material inside the tube glow with a cool bright light.
How Does a Phonograph Record Work?
A phonograph record stores sound in the wavy groove on its surface.The groove represents the sound waves that were made by a musical instrument or a person’s voice.As the record spins,the groove makes the needle vibrate.The vibrations are turned into electrical signals and sent to the speaker.There,the signals are changed into sound waves like those made when the music was first recorded.
Why Does a Whip Crack
The cracking noise a whip makes when it is snapped is a small sonic boom.At the height of such a snap,the tip of the whip moves through the air so fast that it makes the surrounding air vibrate violently,producing a sharp sound wave.When the sound wave reaches our ears,we hear a loud cra-c-c-ck!
How Does a Magnifying Glass Work
A magnifying glass is a lens that is thicker in the middle than it is on the edges.When you hold a magnifying glass close to a page in a book,the light rays bounce off the page and pass up through the magnifying glass before they come to your eyes.The curved lens bends and spreads the light in such a way that the print looks much bigger than it really is.
Why Does a Fire Smoke
When a long log in a fireplace burns,some of the burning wood is changed into invisible gases.The hot gases rise up the chimney and drift away with the air.Usually many tiny bits of ash and black specks of unburned carbon,called soot,are carried away in the rising cloud of gases.The soot and ash colour the gases gray and make them visible as smoke.
Why Is the Pipe Under a Sink Curved