
第10章 音标(9)


cat /kQt/ n. 猫

task /tA:sk/ n. 任务

cook /kUk/ n. 厨师

joke /dZUk/ n. 玩笑

equal /5i:kwl/ a. 平等的

queen /kwi:n/ n. 女王

pocket /5pAkIt/ n. 口袋


give /gIv/ v. 给

big /bIg/ a. 大的

gas /gQs/ n. 汽油

glad /gl Qd/ a. 乐意的

guide /gaId/ v. 引导

degree /dI5gri/ n. 度数

hug /hg/ v. &; n. 互相拥抱

ghost /gUst/ n. 鬼,灵魂;鬼魂


Keep some till more come.


My mother is a good cook.



Cows graze in groves ongrass which grows in grooves ingroves.


Keep clean socks in a cleansock stack.


Green glass globes glowgreenly.



Six sick hicks nick six slickbricks with picks and sticks.



So, graduates, its now abundantly clear that we need to startdoing things a little bit different. In your own lives, youll needto continuously adapt to a continuously changing economy. Youllend up having more than one job and more than one career overthe course of your life. Youll have to keep on gaining new skills,possibly even new degrees. And youll have to keep on taking risks,as new opportunities arise.


4. /f/-/v/


Thats true whatever profession you choose. Professors mightearn the distinction of tenure, but that doesnt guarantee that theyllkeep putting in the long hours and late nights and have the passionand the drive to be great educators.


Desperate Housewives 《绝望的主妇》节选Susan: Thanks for helping mebreak in. Do you think itll behard to replace that screen




Mike: It depends. If you nailit in yourself, you might wantto wear gloves...or pants. Pantswouldnt hurt.

Susan: Okay, I know what justhappened is funny in theory, butIm nowhere near ready to laughabout it, so please, no jokes.



Ugly Betty 《丑女贝蒂》节选

Everyones been askingme if I want to apologize to thevoters,but the truth is the onlyperson who deserves an apologyis my girlfriend.

She had her privacy invadeand Im sorry I wasnt moreunderstanding.

As for the voters,theyrejust gonna have to accept thefact that my girlfriend is sexy.

And I will not apologize forthat.





bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发/f/ 音时,嘴巴闭合;上齿露出,咬住下唇;舌头位于口腔中央;气流速度慢。


发/v/ 音时,嘴巴几乎不张开;上齿露出向下咬住下嘴唇;舌头位于口腔中央。


fox /fks/ 狐狸


vulture /5vltS/ 秃鹰


f-father /5fA:D/ 父亲

ff-coffee /5kfI/ 咖啡

ph-phone /fUn/ 电话

gh-enough /I5nf/ 足够的


v -five /faIv/ 五


He has a valuable valley villa.


Steve has fallen in love with Vivian.



half /hA:f/ a. 一半的

film /fIlm/ n. 电影

flower /5flaU/ n. 花

cough /kf/ n. 咳嗽

photo /5fUtU/ n. 照片

defend /dI5fend/ v. 防守

effect /I5fekt/ n. 结果;影响

prefer /prI5f:/ v. 较喜欢,更喜欢


have /hQv/ v. 有

dove /dv/ n. 鸽子

save /seIv/ v. 救,挽救

value /5vQlju:/ n. 价值

drive /draIv/ v. 驱赶;驾驶

eleven /i5levn/ n. 十一

violin /7vaI5lIn/ n. 小提琴

clever /5klev/ a. 机灵的,聪明的


Fair feather doesnt make fineface.


The butterfly flitted from flowerto flower.



Various visitors visited thevillage.


The crow flew over theriver with a lump of raw liver.



Five fat friars frying flatfish.


Fifty-five firefighters friedfifty-five French fries.



Time and again, weve heard excuses to delay and defeat reform.

Time and again, the American people have suffered because people inWashington played the politics of the moment instead of putting theinterests of the American people first. Thats how we ended up withpremiums rising three times faster than wages. Thats how we endedup with businesses choosing between shedding benefits and shuttingtheir doors. Thats how weve been burdened with runaway costs andhuge gaps in coverage.


So Class of 2009, thats what building a body of work is allabout. Its about the daily labor, the many individual acts, the choices,large and small that add up over time, over a lifetime to a lastinglegacy. Thats what you want on your tombstone. Its about not beingsatisfied with the latest achievement, the latest gold star, because theone thing I know about a body of work is that its never finished. Itscumulative. It deepens and expands with each day that you give yourbest, each day that you give back and contribute to the life of yourcommunity and your nation. You may have setbacks and you mayhave failures, but youre not done. Youre not even getting started, notby a long shot.

因此,2009 届的毕业生们,那就是关于创建事业我所想要说的。它是关于日复一日的劳动,繁细众多的行动,慎重的选择,是大大小小能够日积月累,甚而累积一生并最终成为永久遗产的因素。那就是你们所希望铭刻在你们墓碑上的东西。它不是满足于你们已有的成就,已有的荣誉。因为据我所知,创建事业的工作是永无止境的。它是与日俱增的,是随着你每天尽心尽责地工作,推迟和反对改革的借口屡见不鲜。由于有人热衷于在华盛顿玩弄一时的权术而不是将人民利益放在首位,因此,美国人民一再饱受煎熬。最终导致我们保费的增速是工资增速的3 倍,企业在削减福利和破产之间徘徊,而失控的成本和巨大的保险缺口已经使我们不堪重负。

5. /s/-/z/




Friends 《老友记》节选

Rachel: A n d u h , a n d t h elightings always unflattering.

And, Monica help me out here.

Monica: Hell, I wanna see Joey.

Julie: So is there like a storyor do they just start doing itright...oh, never mind.

Chandler: OK, now wait aminute. That is the craziesttyping test Ive ever seen.






Monica: All I say is, she betterget the job.

Ross: Looks to me like hes theone getting the job.



Claire: Youre a big hit at thiswedding.

John: Well, everyones so nice,its easy.

Claire: Theyre all full of shit.

John: What

Claire: Half of these people arehere because of my dad. Theyreall just, you know, sucking at thepower teat.