
第11章 音标(10)

John: No, no. Come on. Theyrehere because they wanna believetheyre in the presence of truelove. Thats why people come toweddings, because they wannabelieve in true love.

Wedding Crashers 《婚礼傲客》节选








bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发/s/ 音时,嘴巴微张,上下齿闭合且露出,舌头可接触所有下齿;气流速度慢。


发/z/ 音时,嘴巴微张,上下齿闭合并露出。舌头接触所有上齿。


snail /sneIl/ 蜗牛


zebra /5zi:br/ 斑马


c-city /5sItI/ 城市

s-seat /si:t/ 座位

ss-miss /mIs/ 想念


s-lose /lu:z/ 丢失

z-zoo /zu:/ 动物园

ss-possess /p5zes/ 拥有

zz-puzzle /5pzl/ 谜


Alexander deserves a praise.


Her husband has a bad ear formusic.



say /seI/ v. 说

fast /fA:st/ a. 快的

office /fIs/ n. 办公室

cinema /5sinm/ n. 电影院

famous /5feIms/ a. 着名的

chopsticks /5tSpstIks/ n. 筷子

sorry /5sri/ adj. 抱歉的

fuss /fs/ n. 大惊小怪


news /njuz/ n. 新闻

easy /5izI/ a. 容易的

buzz /bz/ n. 嗡嗡声

wisdom /5wIzdm/ n. 智慧

cousin /5kzn/ n. 堂兄堂妹

prize /praIz/ n. 奖赏,奖金

please /pliz/ v. 使高兴,请

zealous /5zels/ a. 热心的,热情的


Practice makes perfect.


My sister likes south Sweden.



This is a zither. Is this azither This is Zoes sisters/s/He kisses the miss and shemisses the kisses.



How many saws could asee-saw saw if a see-saw couldsaw saws




I am amazed it is a crazethese days to dance to music ofJazz.



And let me be clear, when I say young, Im not just referringto the date of your birth certificate. Im talking about an approach tolife, a quality of mind and a quality of heart, a willingness to followyour passion regardless of whether they lead to fortune and fame, awillingness to question conventional wisdom and rethink old dogmas.

A lack of regard for all the traditional markers of status and prestige,and a commitment instead to doing whats meaningful to you, whathelps others, what makes a difference in this world.



It should be clear to you by now the category in which all of youfall, for we gather here tonight in times of extraordinary difficulty, forthe nation and for the world. The economy remains in the midst of ahistoric recession, the worst weve seen since the Great Depression,the result in part of greed and irresponsibility that rippled out fromWall Street and Washington, as we spent beyond our means and failedto make hard choices. Were engaged in two wars and a struggleagainst terrorism. The threats of climate change, nuclear proliferation,and pandemic defy national boundaries and easy solutions.



6. /S/-/Z/


Serena: Are you sure you didntwant any of my dinner Yourhors doeuvres was so small.

Dan: No, no, no, no. It wasamazing. I didnt realize, uh, fishcould be creamed.

Waiter: Would you like to seethe dessert menu

Dan: Oh, no, thank you.

Serena: I think were fine.

Waiter: Sure you dont wantdessert

Serena: Yeah.

Gossip Girl《绯闻女孩》节选塞雷娜: 你真不想吃点我的菜?你的开胃菜也太少了。

丹: 一点也不,好吃极了。我都不知道鱼可以做成奶油状。

侍者: 您要看看甜点菜单不?

丹: 不用了,谢谢。

塞雷娜: 我想我们吃饱了。

侍者: 你们确定不要甜点吗?

塞雷娜: 是的。


Once Upon a Time


Crickets: Tragedy has broughtus here, but we are faced withthis decision, and now we askonly that you listen with an openmind and to please vote yourconscience. So without furtherado, Id like to introduce you tothe candidates-Sidney Glass andEmma Swan. Glass, Swan. Wow.

Crickets. Okay, uh...Sounds likesomething that a decorator wouldmake you buy. Uh, Mr. Glass,your opening statement.

Mr. Glass: I just want to saythat if elected, I want to serve asare flection of the best qualitiesof Storybrooke-honesty, neighborliness...and strength. Thank you.

蟋蟀: 一场悲剧把我们聚在了这里。但我们有一个重要决定需要做出:希望你们能以开放的态度倾听此次演讲,投出诚实的一票。如果没有疑问的话,我想介绍一下我们的候选人,西德尼·格拉斯和艾玛·斯旺。格拉斯,斯旺小蟋蟀,呃,好的,听起来像室内设计师会推荐你们买的东西。呃,格拉斯先生,你的开场白。



bee /bi:/ 蜜蜂


pig /pIg/ 猪


发/S/ 音时,嘴巴张开,嘴唇外翘;上下齿闭合,并露出;舌头接触上齿;气流速度慢。


发/Z/ 音时,双唇翘起向前突出,上下齿靠拢,舌尖抬起靠近上腭,双唇稍收圆并略突出,气流通过时形成摩擦音,振动声带。


fish /fIS/ 鱼


television /5telI7vIZn/ 电视机


s-sure /SU/ 确信

t-patient /5peISnt/ 有耐心的

ch-machine /m5Si:n/ 机器

sh-she /Si:/ 她


g-massage /5mQsA:Z/ 按摩

s-usual /5ju:ZUl/ 通常的


Eat with pleasure and drink with measure.


It is my pleasure to be in your garage.



show /SU/ v. 表明

cash /kQS/ n. 现款

sugar /5SUg / n. 糖

mission /5mISn/ n. 任务

motion /5mUSn/ n. 动作

special /5speSl/ a. 特殊的

delicious /dI5lISs/ a. 可口的

sunshine /5snSaIn/ n. 阳光


seizure /5si:Z/ n. 掠夺

garage /5gQrA:Z/ n. 车库

measure /5meZ/ n. 测量

pleasure /5pleZ/ n. 愉快

decision /dI5sIZn/ n. 决定

regime /reI5Zi:m/ n. 政体,政权

explosion /Iks5plUZn/ n. 爆炸

television /5telIvIZn/ n. 电视机


I will shop for fresh fish.


In short, the fashion show is special.


ss-pressure /5preS/ 压力


George placed his brokentelevisions in the garage. In hisgarage there have been threebroken television.



An English fisherman wishesto get a foolish fish for a colddish.


She sells seashells on theseashore.The seashells she sellsare seashells she is sure.



Time and again these men and women struggled and sacrificedand worked till their hands were raw so that we might live a betterlife. They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individualambitions; greater than all differences of birth or wealth or faction.