
第15章 人文景观Human Landscapes(5)

The visitor to the Castle is awarded with magnificent panoramaspanorama n.全景 全景画,全景摄影 in every direction when they visit the Castle. No matter whether you are on the lowest levels of the Castle, or the highest points, visitors are delighted by what can be seen. When you look to the north, on a clear day, you can see the mountains of The Kingdom of Fife in the distance and immediately below you are the world famous Princes Street Gardens. Princes Street is unique in that the shops along its length are only on the north side of the street, so from them you have an uninterrupteduninterrupted adj.不停的, 连续的, 未受干扰的, 不间断的 view of the Castle. Beyond Princes Street is George Street the most original of Edinburgh,s Georgian New Town Streets-with shops along it,s length. Continuing to the north you have Queen Street which runs parallel to it. Beyond Queen Street the remaining New Town Preservation area is mostly residential, and the city can boast of having the most intact Georgian city in the whole of Europe, and has Unicef World Heritage Site status.

Apart from information on our famous Edinburgh Castle, we have included lots of general information about Edinburgh on this site. You will notice we have sections covering Edinburgh accommodation which include Edinburgh Hotels, Edinburgh Bed and Breakfasts, Edinburgh Guest Houses, Edinburgh Selfcatering Flats and Edinburgh Apartments. Other sections include Edinburgh Cafes, Edinburgh Entertainment, Edinburgh Restaurants, Edinburgh Weddings, Edinburgh Festivals and of course Shopping in Edinburgh.

The Burrell Collection


布雷尔收藏馆(Burrell Collection)是格拉斯哥的旅游热点,也是苏格兰的最重要的观光胜地之一。其前身是工业巨子布雷尔爵士(Sir William Burrell)的私人珍藏馆,后捐献给格拉斯哥,现位于波勒克郊野公园中一个曾获奖的博物馆中。收藏馆的外形一般,但内部装潢却恰到好处,从地板连至天花板的落地窗让自然光完全照进来,外面的树木和风景更衬托出展品的效果。这个富个人风格的收藏馆的展品包括中国制的瓷器、中世纪时代的家具、画家雷诺亚(Renoir)和塞尚(Czanne)的油画。馆内收藏着许多无价的古代和中古艺术品。

When Sir William Burrell and his wife, Constance, Lady Burrell, gifted his collection of over 9,000 works of art to Glasgow, the city acquired one of the greatest collections created by one person. William Burrell had been an art collector since his teens, and the collection is made up of a vast arrayarray n.排列, 编队, 军队, 衣服, 大批vt.部署, 穿着, 排列 of works of all periods and from all over the world.

You can wander round important collections of medieval art, tapestries, alabastersalabaster n.雪花石膏 adj.雪花石膏制的, stained glass and English oak furniture, European paintings, including works by Degas and Cézanne, an important collection of Islamic art, and modern sculpture including works by Epstein and Rodin. Children will be fascinated by the works from days of long ago-we have a fine collection of works from ancient China, Egypt, Greece and Rome. Architectural features from the collection have been integrated into the structure of the building-you can walk under arches built for medieval lords and ladies. There are also reconstructions of rooms from Sir William,s home, furnished in GothicGothic n.哥特式 adj.哥特式的, 野蛮的 style with items from the collection.

In 1944, Burrell and his wife signed the Deed of Gift of their collection to the City of Glasgow. They wanted the collection to be housed in a building 16 miles from the centre of the Glasgow, to show the works of art to their greatest advantage, and also to avoid the damaging effects of air pollution. Sadly, no suitable site had been identified by Burrell,s death in 1958, but Mrs Anne Maxwell Macdonald and her family gifted Pollok House and 360 acres of Pollok Estate to the City of Glasgow in 1967. Although within the city boundariesboundary n.边界, 分界线, it was agreed that this offered a wonderful setting for the collections.