
第16章 人文景观Human Landscapes(6)

The Burrell was purpose built, the result of an architectural competition, and opened in 1983. Care was taken to ensure harmony between the building and its collections, and the park it is situated in. The light and airy building, its woodland setting and the amazing breadth of Sir William Burrell,s collection make a visit to The Burrell Collection an experience not to be missed. The park and woodland offer plenty of outdoor activities too-why not come for a walk and a picnic, or see the changing seasons reflected in the trees?

Disability Information

The Burrell Collection has disabled parking bays, full accessibility to gallery areas for wheelchairwheelchair n.轮椅 users, and a lift is available from the main reception area. Male and female toilets are accessible to wheelchair users, and the café area is also fully accessible. A free minibus service runs from the main entrance to Pollok Country Park to the Burrell Collection and back, approximately every half hour. The minibus is run by Glasgow City Council and has wheelchair access.

Glasgow Cathedral


格拉斯哥大教堂(Glasgow Cathedral)是西元1136年为了奉献给格拉斯哥的守护神St.Mungo而建,历经三百年完工,是宗教改革前的哥特式建筑物的典范,亦是英国唯一一个改革后能够保存下来的苏格兰大教堂。目前大部分的建筑都是建自15世纪,只有西塔在动乱中遭到毁坏。在15世纪晚期,大教堂中间增加了一条石制的祭坛围屏,把教堂的间隔分成两部分。围屏旁边有7对石像装饰,用来代表“七宗罪”。最有趣的地方是有条楼梯可通往矮教堂。密布的柱子营造出一种气势,包围着圣芒戈的墓碑。爱德华一世(Edward I)在1301年曾到过这个神殿3次。

教堂左前方的St.Mungo博物馆,陈列着关于宗教的生活与艺术的收藏。这里不光只有天主教的东西,印度教的湿婆像和禅宗或庭院在这儿也有一席之地。Museum对面的古老建筑是全市最老的Provand,s Lordship,忠实呈现西元15世纪富商巨贾的生活原貌,从西元1471年保存至今。

Sitting on the edge of Cathedral street, Glasgow Cathedral is the oldest building in Glasgow and one of the few medieval churches to have survived the reformation in Scotland unscathed. The Cathedral boasts a 105+ft high and 285x63 ft structure filled with awe inspiring intricate architecture and stained glass, and the last remaining intact tower on a Scottish medieval Church.

Although this had been a Christian site for well over a millenniummillennium n.太平盛世, 一千年, the stone building also known as St.Mungo,s (the cities, patron Saint) was consecrated in the presence of King David I in 1136 and additions were made to the building over the next 300 years.

Glasgow Cathedral lies directly next to other attractions such as Provand,s Lordship (the second oldest building in Glasgow) and St. Mungo,s Museum of Religious Life and Art and despite it,s medieval structure is positioned short walking distance from the heart of the modern shopping districts of the city centre.

One of the few Scottish medieval churches to remain, it is a truly magnificentmagnificent adj.华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的 building filled with history and wonder. St. Ninian consecrated the site for Christian burial in 397 AD, the Cathedral,s origins date back to 590 AD when St. Mungo arrived and became bishop of Strathclyde.

During St. Mungo,s time St. Columba, who went on to found a settlement on the Island of Iona, also visited the church. After his death in 603, St. Mungo was buried nearby to his church and his tomb lies within the centre of the lower church to this day and there is a service held every year to commemorate his life.

Visitors to Glasgow Cathedral today are in for an awe inspiring sight, with magnificent stained glass windows, stunning architecture and steeped in such history. Right down to the height of the building which inside is some 105ft at the nave roof it is a must see for any tourist to Glasgow.

The 13th century tower is the last remaining intact tower on any medieval church in Scotland. This building is an architectural dream and one not to be missed by any visitor to Glasgow.

Admission to the Cathedral is free, and guided tours are available as well as recitals and lectures. It was declared in 1451 by the Pope that a pilgrimagepilgrimage n.朝圣 vi.朝拜, 朝圣 the Glasgow Cathedral held the same merit as one to Rome and as a founding piece in Scotland,s as well as Glasgow,s long history it is unsurprisingly heralded as a integral part of any visit to Glasgow.