
第7章 老外最感兴趣的广州历史文化(4)

Shu Xiu-Sichuan embroidery comes from areas around Chengdu, Sichuan Province. It is oldest known embroidery style in Chinese embroidery history. Its raw materials are satin and colored silk, its craftsmanship painstaking and refined. The emphasis is on even stitching, delicate coloration and local flavor. Sichuan embroidery is used to decorate quilt covers, pillowcases, garments, shoes and painted screens.

蜀绣也称“川绣”,它是以四川成都为中心的刺绣产品的总称。蜀绣的生产具有悠久的历史。蜀绣以软缎和彩丝为主要原料,针法多达100多种,充分发挥了手绣的特长,具有浓厚的地方风格。蜀绣题材大多为花鸟、走兽、虫鱼和人物等,品种除了绣屏之外,还有被面、枕套、靠垫、桌布、头巾等等。 明式家具. 早在汉代(公元前206~公元220年),蜀绣之名就已誉满天下,汉朝政府还在成都专门设置了“锦官”进行管理。汉以后至五代十国时期(公元907~960年),四川相对安定的局面为蜀绣的发展创造了有利的条件,社会需求的不断增大,刺激了蜀绣业的飞速发展。到了宋代(公元960~1279年),蜀绣的发展达到鼎盛时期,绣品在工艺、产销量和精美程度上都独步天下。清朝(公元1644~1911年)中叶以后,蜀绣逐渐形成行业,当时各县官府均设“劝工局”以鼓励蜀绣生产。新中国成立后,在四川设立了成都蜀绣厂,使蜀绣工艺的发展进入了一个新阶段,技术上不断创新,品种日益增多。



News Media

After years of development, the press, publication, broadcast and television industries of Guangzhou have now arrived on a very large scale. In recent years, as the publishing of books, newspapers and periodicals began to flourish, a multi-category, multi-level and multi-function books and periodicals publishing system, with Guangzhou Daily Group as the main body, has been formed. The distribution system centers in Guangzhou, covers South China and influences the whole country. The E-publications market is rising rapidly and gradually onto a legitimate track. Here is brief introduction of several leading newspapers of Guangzhou in the following passages.



Guangzhou Daily 《广州日报》

Guangzhou Daily is a leading daily newspaper in Guangzhou, China, which is attached to the Guangzhou Daily Group, covering local news, sports, business, jobs and community events.


Founded on October 1, 1952, GuangZhou Daily is the official newspaper of the Guangzhou municipal party committee. The current daily circulation of Guangzhou Daily is up to 1.85 million copies, which ranks in the first place in terms of circulation, subscription, retail sales and pass-along rate in Guangzhou. During the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008, daily circulation of Guangzhou Daily amazingly exceeded 2 million copies. Meanwhile, Guangzhou Daily is one of the most successfully operated newspapers in China, and its total advertisement management amount reached RMB 2.206 billion, which has toped the national print medias for the 15th consecutive years. Besides, Guangzhou Daily is one of the largest tax-paying newspapers in China. Being the most valuable brand in the newspaper sector of South China, Guangzhou Daily has been hailed as one of “China’s 500 Most Valuable Brands” for the fifth consecutive years.


The Yangcheng Evening News 《羊城晚报》

The Yangcheng Evening News is probably China’s best-known local evening newspaper with a nationwide distribution. Produced in Guangzhou as the flagship newspaper of the Yangcheng Evening News Group, the paper has had a long-standing reputation for being relatively critical and independent-minded, offering lively news coverage of issues close to people’s everyday lives. Although it is not an official party organ, it is nonetheless subject to careful Party supervision because of its large circulation and popularity.


One of several evening newspapers founded by the Party in the late 1950s and early 1960s, The Yangcheng Evening News was launched on 1 October, 1957 and was specifically intended to offer lighter news coverage than the heavily political morning dailies. The Yangcheng Evening News was closed down during the Cultural Revolution period, but reopened in 1980 with a renewed commitment to social news reporting. Daily circulation of the newspaper in 2000 reached approximately 1.2 million nationwide, putting it among the country’s leading titles, although the majority of papers are still sold in Guangdong province. The Yangcheng Evening News has been a commercial success and has expanded its operations, establishing the Yangcheng Evening News Group, home to several other daily and weekly titles, a book-publishing house and a number of other business interests.


Southern Metropolis Daily 《南方都市报》