
第23章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“软新闻”(6)



以下用英语呈现的“软新闻”主播文本,是笔者在训练06“英播”(北广、南广)后整理出的。在实训对外英语广播“软新闻”主播时,笔者仍是采用“主持人大赛”的类型,将训练与相关理论结合后分为两个环节进行:《My Space》、《On-line Subject Talking》。



控能力实训Round-1:《My Space》(4分钟)




A word a day,keep your Chinese great.

Good morning,welcome to Keyword.I am Edward.

I like internet,and so do many of my foreign friends living in China.They surf on the internet to find out and absorb what is new in Chinese people's mind.But no matter how proficient their Chinese is,they still quite often come across some words which they don't understand.

So today,I am gonna introduce you one of these obscure words.

Let's see it first.


What's this?I can tell you it is a Chinese character.And though maybe you are not familiar with it,you have to admit its huge influence nowadays on the internet,especially among the youngsters who we call them after the generation of 80s and after the generation 90s.

Earlier today,I looked it up and found out its definition as“light or brightness”as a noun.

However,when it is used on the internet,its meaning alters subversively from brightness to depressed,sad and helpless.


So I am wondering:

Is there anyone who can tell us how to read it?

Yes,you are right and I guess you are after 90s,aren't you?

Anyway,you are correct,congratulations!

So it is Jiong,the third tone.Keep it in mind.

Here let's see its origin.

It is said that it first appeared and got its popularity in the BBS in Taiwan,and then it swiped the mainland like a flash,then Hong Kong.Later,with the rise of internet sub-culture,囧 began to make its way into mainstream media.And now,it has found its stage again even in the movie and advertising industries.

Then why and what makes it so popular?

Take a close look at it;does it like a grimacing face?Mouth open and eyebrows frown in an exaggerated shape.Just like a person meets a big fiasco in his life.Very deive,isn't it?

On the other hand,it sounds exactly like another word in Chinese means embarrassment,so it is easily connected to the meaning of frustrated,defeated or embarrassment for the Chinese people.

What is more,I think many of you who use internet have already known the phrase“Orz”.As it shows.


It is originated in Japan,looks like a person kneeling down or kowtows,expressing a meaning like admiring or idolizing.

But some creative ctizens even use 囧 to replace“O”in this internet terminology,only because it looks more like a human face.So it turns to:


As a matter of fact,the expression is only the ancestor of 囧 family,its children include all these below:

崮rz 茜rz

Means the King of 囧 kingdom,with his crown on.The queen:


Someone wearing a mantle It means a turtle,you could even see the carapace and its two feet.Is it cute?

囧r2=3 Oops,this one means somebody just gave out a fart…..err

Alright,so have you had any sense of 囧 now?Actually,there are still much many fun of this word waiting for you to dig out.So why not go and google it?Just remember it is jiong,the third tone!

Ok,that is for today's program,hope you have enjoyed it and I'll see you tomorrow.

Stay in tune!Bye!









Round-2:《On-line Subject Talking》








Christy:Ladies and gentlemen,Good moring!I'm Christy,wlecome to today's Truth。Recently 10 vocational school students took subway in Shanghai City,due to the time was limited and the ticket machines were not working quite well at that time.They decided to limp over the ticket machine without buying tickets.But month later when they found out that the machine were actually working quite well at that time,they sent 10 yuan which they did not pay that day to the Sanghai Subway Company immediately.Actually,10 yuan is a very small part of the income of the subway company,and no one saw what they did at that day.So,is this kind of behavior still necessary?Today we have invited a very sepcial guest Coach Lin from Communication University of China to discuss this issue with us Good moring Coach Lin,welcome to our programme!I would like to ask you:How do you value on their behavior?

Coach Lin:…

Christy:Yes,I agree with you,then do you think their behavior shows the traditional Chinese virtue——integrity?

Coach Lin:…

Christy:Thank you for your wonderful comments!Thank you.Integrity lies at the heart of the Chinese traditional culture,it tells people that one should always be honest to what they did and what they said.These vocational school students have shown this precious virtue to us with their actions.Nowadays,10 yuan really means nothing to most of the people who live in the city,sometimes we become very indifferent to those traditional things because we may think that has been out of the date.But these characteristics are actually the truth of our life.To be an honest person is much more important than to be a rich man.Because when you lie to everyone around you,you will found that you have nothing,except money.Thank you for being with today's programme.I'm Christy,bye!