
第11章 Kitty Cat Kate 我的猫儿叫凯特


My cat,Kate,is spoiled,but for good reason。I got Kate on my 19th birthday,during the summer after my freshman year of college。She was born in May under a shed,where two mother cats had litters about a week apart。Kate was part of a litter of four,and there were three long haired kittens in the older litter。

On my birthday,I had to lure Kate out from under the shed with some wet cat food。She was only as big as my hand。I drove her home and we set her up in a little box with some food and water。And then Kate's life changed。

My sister's cat was sniffing around the box;we were watching him carefully,letting him get to know Kate。Suddenly,he grabbed Kate and shook her。We pulled him away and he dropped Kate,but the damage was done。She was having uncontrollable seizures。It took us awhile to find an emergency vet open on Sunday,and Kate continued to have seizures during the whole drive there。

When we got the vet,he told us that he had given her an injection to stop the swelling on her brain,but he had no way of knowing if she had brain damage or if she would even make it through the night。We left her there and went back the next day,where they gave us the grim news:Kate was paralyzed。The doctor urged us to put Kate to sleep,reasoning that we couldn't take care of a paralyzed kitten who couldn't control her bladder and would have to be spoon fed。We refused。We hoped for a miracle。We took her home。She was a tiny little limp kitten,but she was so smart。Her eyes would follow us and she would meow loudly to wake us up in the middle of the night if she had soiled her blankets。My mom took her to work and I slept with her on my chest(a bad idea with a kitten who can't control her bladder)。We bathed her and kept her in a little tub with a hot water bottle under her。Pretty soon,we had taught her to flip over by teaching her to kick her good leg。She ate her wet food off a Baskin Robbins sample spoon and could move her paw to bat at a toy。

Kate did learn to walk again,but her right side was permanently damaged。She has what I call a“swagger。”and she can't jump on high things or scratch,but she can do everything else。She runs(she looks like a bunny hopping),navigates stairs and uses a litter box perfectly。She is a miracle cat,and she can have whatever she wants(she really enjoys a little sour cream)。This past June,we celebrated our 12th anniversary together。She has definitely added more to my life than I thought a little tabby cat ever could,including teaching me about perseverance and determination。I think that entitles her to be a little spoiled。




找到兽医以后,他告诉我们,已经为凯特注射过一支针剂,阻止她头部继续肿胀,但是,他无法确定凯特头部是否受伤,也不知道凯特是否能够平安度过这个夜晚。我们把她留在兽医那里,第二天又去看她。结果听到了糟糕的消息:凯特已经瘫痪。医生认为我们不可能照顾好一只瘫痪的猫,因为猫小便不能自理,还不能自己吃东西,必须一汤匙一汤匙地喂食。所以,医生就催促我们,给凯特注射一针,让她永远睡去。我们一家人不同意这样做,把凯特带回家,盼望着会有奇迹发生。凯特成了小小的、虚弱的猫,一瘸一拐地走路,然而她很聪明。她关注着我们的一举一动,视线总是跟随着我们。夜里,如果她弄脏了自己睡觉的毛毯,就大声地喵喵,把我们叫醒。我妈妈带着凯特去工作;我睡觉的时候,也让她睡在我的胸前(这个办法其实很不好,因为凯特控制不住自己的膀胱)。我们给她洗澡,还让她在浴盆里泡一会儿,身子下面接上一个热水瓶。不久,我们教她怎么把那只正常的腿举高,怎么举起腿来让自己翻身。我们用巴斯 罗宾斯公司生产的样品汤匙喂凯特吃湿粮,还扔玩具过去给她玩,她会举起爪子来接玩具。



New Words

sample n。样品;样本;例子

bunny hop超级跳;兔子跳

tabby n。“动物”斑猫(=tabby cat);猫(尤指雌猫)

perseverance n。坚持不懈;不屈不挠



est Yourself

1.Multiple Choice Questions

1)Kate was part of a litter of four,and there were three long haired kittens in the older litter。



2)I drove her home and we set her up in a little box with some food and water。


3)My sister's cat was sniffing around the box;we were watching him carefully,letting him get to know Kate。



4)We left her there……where they gave us the grim news:Kate was paralyzed。



1)born with a silver spoon in one's mouth

2)born with a wooden spoon in one's mouth

3)He must(should)have a long spoon that sups with the devil。

4)make a spoon or spoil a horn

5)put one's spoon into other's broth

6)stick one's spoon in the wall







