
第12章 Travels with Kitties 猫咪伴我行


For most of the past 12 years,Kate has traveled with me to New Mexico for the holidays。In the early years,she would go with me several times a year,but as vacation time got tighter,I started making the other trips by plane,saving my one longer trip for Christmas。Kate doesn't travel by air,but she always makes the trip with me when I drive。It takes about nine hours to get to my hometown in northern New Mexico,and Kate has always been a very amiable car companion。

We have a pretty good routine for the drive,and it starts with me getting my luggage packed and ready to go in the most casual way possible。On the day of the drive,I try to remain nonchalant as I get up and feed Kate。Usually it works。But by the time I start taking things out to the car,she realizes something is up and hides under the bed。That works fine for me,because it usually takes several trips to get everything loaded up,including the litter pan and her food。As a perfect car cat,Kate never uses the litter box or eats during the trip,preferring to save it all up as a welcome present for grandma。After the car is loaded,I get Kate's pet carrier out of the closet and then almost always have to move my bed to get her out from under it。

For such a long drive,Kate has always been pretty content with riding in the carrier and only occasionally venturing into the backseat。As long as her carrier door is open,she doesn't cry。She loves my parents'house,with all its new smells and new areas to explore。She seems to have a pretty good memory of the house and enjoys the holiday season。

This year will be a little different。

Duncan will be joining us in New Mexico for the holiday this year,and all of us are curious to see how the trip goes。We have several concerns,including:

Duncan has never taken a long car ride。How will he respond?Will he cry?Will he need to be restrained in the carrier?

Duncan and Kate will have to spend a lot of time together at grandma's house。Will they get along?Will Kate be miserable?

Grandma's house has many decorations and breakable items。Kate was never an issue,because of her disability。Will Duncan have too much fun at grandma's,including climbing the Christmas tree or eating her plants?

I have faith that Duncan will do well during the car ride,based on his extremely laissez faire attitude for shorter trips。I have to make some additional preparations though,since I don't know how he'll react。I'm adding a small litter pan to the main area of the car and I'm bringing accessible cat food and extra towels。Kate will also have to swap carriers with Duncan,since hers turned out to be roomier and he is five pounds bigger than she is。My mom has also scaled back on her house decorations。

With only two weeks to go until the trip,I'm gearing up for what might be the most exciting Christmas I've had in a while!












New Words

nonchalant adj。漠不关心的,冷淡的,不激动的,平静的,若无其事的

laissez faire n。放任政策;不干涉主义adj。自由放任的;放任主义的

swap vt。以……作交换;与……交换vi。交易;交换

scaled back 相应缩减,按比例缩减

gear up


例句:The driven part should be geared up。从动齿轮的速度应该提高。

2.提高效率,添置(机械设备等):例句:The directors decided to gear the factory up for increased production,by bringing in new machine。


例句:Are the players geared up for the game?运动员作好比赛准备了吗?




1.We have a pretty good routine for the drive,and it starts with me getting my luggage packed and ready to go in the most casual way possible。

2.That works fine for me,because it usually takes several trips to get everything loaded up,including the litter pan and her food。

3.Kate was never an issue,because of her disability。

4.I have faith that Duncan will do well during the car ride,based on his extremely laissez faire attitude for shorter trips。




