
第24章 The Zen of Cat 一只猫的生命哲学

By Jim Willis

The Man was very sad。He knew that the Cat's days were numbered。The doctor had said there wasn't anything more that could be done,that he should take the Cat home and make him as comfortable as possible。

The man stroked the Cat on his lap and sighed。The Cat opened his eyes,purred and looked up at the Man。A tear rolled down the Man's cheek and landed on the Cat's forehead。The Cat gave him a slightly annoyed look。

“Why do you cry,Man?”the Cat asked,“Because you can't bear the thought of losing me?Because you think you can never replace me?”

The Man nodded“yes。”

“And where do you think I'll be when I leave you?”the Cat asked。

The Man shrugged helplessly。

“Close your eyes,Man。”the Cat said。The Man gave him a questioning look,but did as he was told。

“What color are my eyes and fur?”the Cat asked。

“Your eyes are gold and your fur is a rich,warm brown。”the Man replied。

“And where is my fur the darkest?”the Cat asked。

“It is darkest along your back,your tail,your legs,nose and ears。”the Man said。

“And where is it that you most often see me?”asked the Cat。

“I see you……on the kitchen windowsill watching the birds……on my favorite chair……on my desk lying on the papers I need……on the pillow next to my head at night。”

The cat nodded。

“Can you see me in all of those places now,even though your eyes are shut?”the Cat asked。

“Yes,of course。I've seen you there for years。”the Man said。

“Then,whenever you wish to see me,all you must do is close your eyes。”said the Cat。

“But you won't really be here。”the Man said sadly。

“Oh,really?”said the Cat,“Pick up that piece of string from the floor there,my‘toy’”。

The Man opened his eyes,then reached over and picked up the string。It was about two feet long and the Cat had been able to entertain himself for hours with it。

“What is it made of?”the Cat asked。

“It appears to be made of cotton。”the Man said。

“Which comes from a plant?”the Cat asked。

“Yes。”said the Man。

“From just one plant,or from many?”

“From many cotton plants。”the Man answered。

“And in the same soil from which grow the cotton plants,it would be possible that other plants and flowers would grow?A rose could grow alongside of the cotton,yes?”asked the Cat。

“Yes,I'm sure it would be possible。”the Man said。

“And all of the plants would feed from the same soil and drink the same rain,would they not?”the Cat asked。

“Yes,they would。”said the Man。

“Then all of the plants,rose and cotton,would be very similar on the inside,even if they appeared outwardly very different。”said the Cat。

The Man nodded his head in agreement,but didn't see what that had to do with the present situation。

“Now,that piece of string。”said the Cat,“is that the only piece of string ever made of cotton?”

“No,of course it isn't。”said the Man,“it was part of a ball of twine。”

“And do you know where all of the other pieces of string are now,and all of the balls of twine?”asked the Cat。

“……you would agree that all the string is related?”

“No,I don't……that would be impossible。”said the Man。

“But even though you do not know where they are,you believe they exist。And even though some of the string is with you,and other pieces of string are elsewhere……even though some pieces of string are short and others are long,and even though your ball of twine is not the only one in the world……you would agree that all the string is related?”the Cat asked。

“I've never thought about it,but yes,I guess they would be related。”the Man said。

“What would happen if a piece of cotton string fell onto the ground?”the Cat asked。

“Well……it would eventually be covered up and decompose into the soil。”the Man said。

“I see。”said the Cat,“then perhaps more cotton would grow above it,or a rose。”

“Yes,it would be possible。”the Man agreed。

“Then the rose growing on your windowsill might be related to the string you are holding as well as to all the pieces of string you do not know about。”said the Cat。

The Man knit his brow in thought。

“Now take each end of the string in one hand。”the Cat ordered。

The Man did so。

“The end in your left hand is my birth and the end in your right hand is my death。Now bring the two ends together。”the Cat said。The Man complied。

“You have made a continuous circle。”said the cat,“Does any point along the string appear to be different,worse or better than any other part of the string?”

The Man inspected the string and then shook his head“no。”

“Does the space inside the circle appear to be different from the space outside of the circle?”the Cat asked。

Again the Man shook his head“no”,but he still wasn't sure he understood the Cat's meaning。

“Close your eyes again。”the Cat said,“Now lick your hand。”

The Man widened his eyes in surprise。

“Just do it。”the Cat said,“lick your hand,think of me in all my familiar places,think about all the pieces of string,think about the cotton and the rose,think about how the inside of the circle is not different from the outside of the circle。”

The Man felt foolish,licking his hand,but he did as he was told。He discovered what a cat must know,that licking a paw is very calming and allows one to think more clearly。He continued licking and the corners of his mouth turned upward into the first smile he had shown in days。He waited for the Cat to tell him to stop,and when he didn't he opened his eyes。The Cat's eyes were closed。The Man stroked the warm,brown fur,but the Cat was gone。

The Man shut his eyes hard as the tears poured down his face。He saw the Cat on the windowsill,then in his bed,then lying across his important papers。He saw him on the pillow next to his head,saw his bright gold eyes and darkest brown on his nose and ears。He opened his eyes and through his tears looked over at the rose growing in a pot on the windowsill and then to the circle of string he still held clutched in his hand。

One day,not long after,there was a new Cat on his lap。She was a lovely calico and white……very different from his earlier beloved Cat and very much the same。



































英语国家的人很喜欢猫。英语里面有A cat has nine lives(猫有九命)这种说法,因为英语国家的人相信,猫这种动物命大、福大、造化大。猫和人们的生活关系密切。一方面,猫是老鼠的天敌。没有猫,老鼠就会肆意妄为。在中世纪的欧洲,基督教徒曾认定猫是魔鬼附身的动物,数以万计的猫因此被处死。不料,猫的厄运招致老鼠的猖獗。很快,鼠害成灾,黑死病一波接一波的横扫欧洲大陆。这段惨痛的历史教训充分证明“猫儿不在,鼠儿成精”——When the cat's away,the mice will play。另一方面,人们又对Cat and dog life。(争吵不休的生活)无可奈何。做错了事情,用“The cat did it”(这是猫干的)来推卸责任。可能是因为猫咪喜欢到处乱跑吧,难免会造成一点小乱子啦!


New Words

stroke vt。轻抚,抚摸The girl stroked the cat。这个姑娘抚摸着小猫。

He stroked his chin reflectively。他若有所思地摸着下巴。

clutch v。1)紧抓;紧握She clutched the child's hand as they cross the street。他们过马路时,她紧抓住孩子的手。

2)急忙地抓;突然抢走The boy clutched the marbles and ran away。男孩把弹子一把抢去便逃走了。

decompose v。分解;(使)腐烂decompose a compound into its elements将化合物分解成元素

The egg began to decompose after a day in the sun。太阳晒了一天后,蛋开始腐败。



est Yourself


1.cover up有两个意思,能举例说明吗?

2.下面是关于cover 的一些短语,你知道它们的含义吗?

1)from cover to cover

2)blow sb's cover

3)take cover

4)under cover

5)under plain cover

6)under separate cover

7)under(the)cover of


1.cover up:1)掩盖;掩饰 例:cover up a scandal掩盖丑闻cover up for a friend替朋友掩饰错误缺点

2)(完全)盖住;遮住 例:Cover yourself up well。衣服穿得暖和些。

2.1)从第一页至最后一页read a book from cover to cover 把一本书从头读到尾


3)隐蔽take cover under a tree 躲到树下




7)在……掩护下;以……为借口escape under the cover of darkness 在夜幕掩护下逃走under cover of friendship 借友谊之名