
第3章 商务贸易常用语(3)


Should you think favourably of our application,kindly hand us your ordersheet.


We trust that you will favour us with a trial at an early date,and await the pleasure of hearing from you.


I have received your pricelist,and shall be glad if you will send me by rail as early as possible as follows:...


I shall be glad if you will let me have 100 Lamps of each of the various sizes,suitable for streets,hospitals,schools and offices.

请送马路用,医院用,学校用,以及办公室用的各种大小适当的灯,一共 100个,谢谢。

We request you to hand us the three pumps described in detail in ours of the 5th inst.,at the prices fixed in your letter.

请寄我公司在本月 5日函中所详述的抽水机三个,其价格按照贵公司来函所定价格。

I shall be glad if you will forward fifty tons of coal,in accordance with your sample.


Refusing Orders拒绝订货

We are sorry to say that the quantity of cotton at the market just now is very small and prices consequently have advanced. It is,therefore,out of our power to execute your order.


Your order for a supply of our booklet A Wonderful Story has not been filled,because of our inability to procure the necessary paper for printing.


We regret to say that on the terms mentioned,we find it impossible to fill same.


We have none of this particular make in stock at the moment,and,owing to the great pressure at the mills,we are afraid we cannot guarantee delivery within less than three months of receipt of orders.


Canceling and Changing the Order撤销或变更订单

To my deep regret,the buyer of these goods has just cancelled the order,a fact which compels me to cancel my order with you.


Our requirements are now fully covered for some time to come,and we therefore greatly regret that we have to cancel our order with you.


We are sorry to report that our buyer does not confirm this order at your price 500; we must,therefore,ask you to cancel same.


I regret that I have to notify you of so many orders being cancelled at the same time.


Instructions for the Disposal of the Goods请求发货指示

Please send us by return full instructions for the five cases for London,as to contents,value,consignee and who pays all the charges.


Your instructions for the disposal of the undermentioned goods,which have arrived today from Mr. Abe,will oblige.


The above order is now ready. Please give us forwarding instructions as soon as possible.


We have received from Messrs. B.B. five cases cheese marked. Please hand us early instructions as to the disposal.


The packages should be forwarded to New York for shipment per m.s. “Dongola” not later than Friday next,and insured for 2,000,F.P.A..


Please ship my thirty bales cotton,now kept in your warehouse,to Messrs. Okada & Co.,and forward B/L to me.


In reply to your letter of the 15th May,please send ten bales of our goods,marked 。 110,by rail as soon as possible to our address,and the other ninety bales afterwards by next steamer.


Please ship as soon as possible seventy bales of goat skins,kept in your warehouse,to Messrs. White & Co. in London,and send me the Bill of Lading.


Shipping Notice装运通知

We are sending you today by the American Railway Express,prepaid,the following books.


The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for shipment tomorrow.


We advise you of the following shipment for your account,per m.s. “Izumo Maru” for your port,100 bdls. cane,against the contract No. 234,dated March 14th,2005.


We herewith send you the goods ordered last week,and hope you will find same satisfactory. Your further orders will receive our prompt attention.


Unloding and Transfering the Goods卸货转运

The cargoes were discharged at San Francisco.


I inform you that the cargo of the “Sophia” has been landed and warehoused here,and the vessel is undergoing the necessary repairs.


I have the pleasure to inform you that the Adelaide arrived here safely yesterday,just in time to get them discharged before holidays commence.


These goods will be unloaded in an hour.


An Invoice,Bill of Lading and Insurance Policy发票、提单、保险单

Enclosed we have the pleasure to hand you the B/L per “shanghai Oaru”,covering 501-524-24 c/s Fancy Goods,and our account thereon amounting to 300,000,which we hope you will find in order.


We inform you that we are sending by the “Iyomaru” the undermentioned goods,and enclose a copy of the bill of lading for same:


We have the pleasure to enclose the invoice amounting to 500,000,together with the bill of lading,both of which you will find in order.


Enclosed please find the invoice of eighty bales cotton bought by your order,and shipped to Kobe per “Inaba Maru”,as per the enclosed B/L.


The Package Freight and Bonus包装运费及贴补

Mark the cases and number consecutively.


I have settled the fright and primage with Captain Scott,as per the account enclosed,and have debited you,in your account,500 for balance paid him.
