
第73章 短吻鳄与鳄鱼





What is the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?That’s kind of a trick question.“Crocodile”is a common name for an order,or large group,of animals called crocodilians.Alligators,caimans,and gavials are all crocodilians—but so are crocodiles.

Alligators and crocodiles are reptiles that have four short legs and a long tail.These animals look alike but one way to tell the difference is to look at their mouths.When a crocodile’s mouth is closed,you can see its bottom teeth.An alligator’s teeth don’t show when its mouth is closed.

The Chinese alligator lives on the Yangtze River in China.Because people have hunted it too much,this alligator is considered endangered.

The gavial is a member of the crocodile family and a close relative of the alligator.It lives in northern India.

The caiman is related to alligators and crocodiles.It is smaller than most other crocodilians,reaching a length of about 9feet (3meters).

Alligators and crocodiles can move silently through the water with just their eyes showing,looking for prey.They attack with lightning quickness.Alligators and crocodiles eat fish,turtles,frogs,birds,and other animals.

Alligators and their relatives are cold blooded reptiles.They lie in the sun to keep warm,as this alligator is doing in a Georgia swamp.

One way to tell crocodilians apart is by the shape of their skull.This picture shows,from left to right,the skulls of a crocodile,an alligator,a caiman,and a gavial.

How Are They Different?