
第74章 它们的区别

One way to tell the difference between alligators and crocodiles is by looking at their snouts.Alligators and their close relative,the caiman,have broad,rounded snouts.Crocodiles have longer,sharper snouts that are shaped like triangles.

Crocodiles have a tooth on each side of their lower jaw that sticks up when their mouth is closed.Alligators do not show any teeth when their mouths are closed.

The Indo Pacific,or saltwater,crocodile is one of the biggest reptiles.It is about 23feet (7meters)long and weighs more than 2,000pounds (more than 1,000kilograms).The American alligator is smaller.It can grow to 20feet (6meters)long.

Crocodiles live in warm,tropical places.Alligators can live in cooler places as well as warm environments.

How Are They the Same?