
第4章 Part One In Class Reading

Why the Tortoise’s Shell is Not Smooth


cannon6 [..k .. n..n] n.① 大炮,加农炮;② (战斗机等的) 机关炮v.炮轰

cunning [..k..ni..] ad j.狡猾的,巧妙的,< 美> 漂亮的,可爱的n.狡猾,诡诈

[ 同义] c rafty ,t ricky ,sly ,wily ,a rt ful

[ 反义] ingenuous

[ 辨析] cunning;cr afty;tricky;sly;wily;ar tful cunning 指借助某种阴谋诡计或秘密手段迂回达到自己的目的,而不是真正的智力;cr afty 指阴谋诡计的运用比cunning 要高一些;tricky 指人卑鄙,不择手段,具有诡计多端、不可靠的意思;sly 指不坦率,为人处事偷偷摸摸,有话不直说,乐于搞幕后交易等等;wily 指为达目的不择手段,甜言蜜语,奸滑而狡诈;a rt ful 指处事圆滑而有手段。

delectable [di..lekt..bl ] adj.① (食物等) 美味的② 使人愉快的

[ 考点] a delectable meal 美餐

dutifully [ dju..tif..li ] adv.①恭顺地②忠于职守地,本分地

dye4 [ dai] n.染料,染色


[ 考点] a synthetic dye 合成染料

[ 例句] She dyed her hai r (black).

eloquent6 [..el..kw..nt ] ad j.①有说服力的,雄辩的②富于表情的,意味深长的(of)

[ 同义] a r ticulate,voluble

[ 辨析] a r ticulate;voluble

a r ticulate (说话、发音) 清晰的;(人) 能清晰表达想法的;voluble 健谈的,说话口若悬河的

[ 考点] an eloquent speech 有说服力的演讲be eloquent (up) on sth.对某事变得能言善辩

[ 例句] 1 ) Eyes are more eloquent than lips.

2 ) The healthy appea rance of the children is eloquent of the wealth of the na tion.

failing [..feili..] n.失败,缺点,弱点,过失

[ 同义] flaw ,fault ,shor tcoming ,imperfection

[ 反义] perfection

[ 辨析] failing;flaw;shortcoming;fault;imperfection failing 表示一个较大的shortcoming ,它会引起较严重的后果;flaw 缺点,瑕疵,是最普通的,表示存在或出现了某种破坏完好统一体的因素;shortcoming 缺点,短处,表示在其他方面都很完美的统一体中的某个失误;fault 通常指存在事物本身内在的东西,而且不是外界加给它的;imperfection 不完善,有缺陷,强调不完善和缺乏条理,而不太强调故障。

[ 例句] The lack of convincing evidence that is the book’s main failing.

faithfully [..fei..f..li] adv.忠诚地,如实地,切实遵守地,忠实可靠的

famine4 [..f .. min] n.饥荒,< 古> 饥饿,严重的缺乏

[ 例句] Some pa rts of the wor ld suffe r regularly from famine.

feast6 [fi..st ] n.盛宴,筵席,宴会,酒席,节日vt.盛宴,款待,享乐,请客vi.参加宴会,享受盛宴

[ 同义] dinner ,banquet

[ 辨析] dinner;banquet;feast

dinner 一般指晚餐,晚宴;banquet 正式的宴会(为特别的事情举办,会中有祝酒或演讲);feast 指丰盛的宴会。

[ 考点] hold (give ) a feast 举行盛宴

a t a wedding feast 在结婚宴席上

a feast of fat things 山珍海味的筵席

a feast of Lantern (中国) 灯节,元宵节

grumble [....r..mbl ] v.抱怨,发牢骚

[ 同义] complain ,repine ,bewail ,whine,gripe

[ 考点] grumble about (at )

grumble over 为某事发牢骚

[ 例句] He was grumbling about his salary.

hoe [ h..u] n.锄头


hut4 [ h..t ] n.小屋,棚屋

[ 考点] a gras s hut 茅舍

invitation4 [ invi..tei..n] n.邀请,招待

[ 同义] request ,appeal

[ 考点] a t/ upon/ on the invitation of sb.应.的邀请

an invitation to dinner 宴会请帖

[ 例句] One yea r ago ,I had an invitation to go and talk to cadets at West Point.

mat4 [ m .. t ] n.席子,小地毯

[ 考点] welcome mat (门口的) 擦鞋垫

on the mat 被上级训斥;受责备

mischievous* [..mist..iv..s ] ad j.有害的,恶作剧的,淘气的

[ 同义] naughty ,disobedient

[ 辨析] naughty;disobedient;mischievous

naughty 一般形容小孩的不端行为;disobedient 没有服从,拒绝执行;mischievous 形容顽皮,戏谑,讨人厌的行为,是孩子在某一时期都会有的性情。

murmur6 [..m....m..] n.低沉连续的声音,咕哝,怨言,低语


[ 考点] murmur against (at ) 对.发牢骚

[ 例句] They murmur at the t reatment they had r eceived.

orator [....r..t..] n.演说者,演讲者,雄辩家,[ 律] 原告,请愿人

[ 考点] a ready orator 应答如流的演说家

a budding orator 初露头角的演说家

a dramatic orator 激动人心的演说家

a boy orator 少年雄辩家

palm4 [ p....m] n.手掌,棕榈树,(象征胜利的) 棕榈叶


[ 考点] grease/ gild/ oil/ tickle sb .’s palm 向某人行贿

have an itching palm 贪财,贪贿

bear (ca rry off) the palm 得胜,夺魁,居首位

yield the palm to 承认输给. ,承认不如.好

[ 例句] He carried off the palm by sheer pe rsever ance.

peck [ pek] n.啄痕,许多,配克(容量单位,等于2 加仑) vt.啄食vi.啄,吹毛求疵,啄食,扔石头v.< 口> 吃一点点

[ 考点] peck at 啄,敲击,凿

peck sth.out of a hole 从洞中把某物挖出

[ 例句] My wife keeps pecking at me.

plumage [..plu..mid..] n.鸟类羽毛,鸟的全身羽毛,翅膀

[ 例句] A peacock has brilliant plumage.

preparation4 [ prep....rei..n] n.准备,预备

[ 同义] a rrangement ,readines s

[ 考点] be in prepa ration 在准备中

in preparation for 为.作准备

make preparation for 为.准备

[ 例句] He did too little prepa ration for his examina tion.

rattle [..r .. tl ] v.发出连续短促的声音,发出卡嗒卡嗒声,喋喋不休n.嘎吱声,喋喋不休的人

[ 同义] cla tter ,cr ackle ,pat ter ,rumble

[ 考点] ra ttle away (on/ along) 喋喋不休地讲ra ttle off 滔滔不绝地讲

[ 例句] He r attled off the names of the cities he had visited.

shell4 [..el ] n.贝壳,壳,外形,炮弹



[ 考点] in the shell 尚未成熟

go into one’s shell 变得害羞,不与人交往

[ 例句] As a writer he is still in the shell.

spear6 [ spi..] n.矛,枪

spite4 [ spait ] n.不顾,不管,敌意

[ 同义] despite

[ 考点] in spite of = (in) despite of 不顾,不管

[ 例句] We succeeded in s pite of all difficulties.

tortoise [..t....t..s] n.龟,迟缓的人

[ 辨析] tur tle;tor toise

tur tle 海龟;tor toise 指栖于陆地和淡水的陆龟。

[ 考点] set the tortoise to catch the ha re 做不可能做到的事情

[ 例句] The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.

yam [ j .. m] n.①山药,洋芋②番薯,红薯

escape someone’s notice 逃过某人的眼睛

[ 例句] Young people often desire to escape from thei r pa rents’notice.

jump to one’s feet 突然站起

[ 例句] He jumped to his feet and r an to the door.

let oneself go 让.自由地移动或下降

[ 例句] She let herself go and skied down the hill.

rest assured (that ) 请放心

[ 例句] You can rest as sured that we will do our best.

slowly but surely 稳扎稳打

[ 例句] The troops ma rched forward slowly but surely.