
第6章 Conscience in Art(2)

“‘Andy,’ says I, as we strayed through the smoke along the cinderpath they call Smithfield street, ‘had you figured out how we are going to get acquainted with these coke kings and pig iron squeezerssqueezer 扑克牌, 剥削者? Not that I would decry my own worth or system of drawing room deportmentdeportment n.行为, 举止, and work with the olive fork and pie knife,’ says I, ‘but isnt the enterance into the salons of the stogiestogie n.笨重的长靴 smokers going to be harder than you imagined?’


“‘If theres any handicaphandicap n.障碍, 阻碍, 障碍赛跑 v.妨碍, 使不利, 阻碍 at all,’ says Andy, ‘its our own refinement and inherent culture. Pittsburg millionaires are a fine body of plain, wholeheartedwholehearted adj.一心一意的, 诚恳的, 整整的, 全神贯注的, unassuming, democraticdemocratic adj.民主的, 民主主义的, 民主政体的, 平民的 men.


“‘They are rough but uncivil in their manners, and though their ways are boisterousboisterous adj.狂暴的, 喧闹的 and unpolished, under it all they have a great deal of impoliteness and discourtesy. Nearly every one of em rose from obscurityobscurity n.阴暗, 朦胧, 偏僻, 含糊, 隐匿, 晦涩, 身份低微,’ says Andy, ‘and theyll live in it till the town gets to using smoke consumers. If we act simple and unaffected and dont go too far from the saloons and keep making a noise like an import duty on steel rails we wont have any trouble in meeting some of em socially.’


“Well Andy and me drifted about town three or four days getting our bearings. We got to knowing several millionaires by sight.


“One used to stop his automobile in front of our hotel and have a quart of champagnechampagne n.香槟酒, 香槟色 brought out to him. When the waiter opened it hed turn it up to his mouth and drink it out of the bottle. That showed he used to be a glassblowerglassblower n.吹玻璃的人或机器 before he made his money.


“One evening Andy failed to come to the hotel for dinner. About 11 oclock he came into my room.


“‘Landed one, Jeff.’ says he. ‘Twelve millions. Oil, rolling mills, real estate and natural gas. Hes a fine man; no airs about him. Made all his money in the last five years. Hes got professors posting him up now in education—art and literature and haberdasheryhaberdashery n.男子服饰经销店, 缝纫用品商店 and such things.’


“‘When I saw him hed just won a bet of 10,000 with a Steel Corporation man that thered be four suicides in the Allegheny rolling mills today. So everybody in sight had to walk up and have drinks on him. He took a fancy to me and asked me to dinner with him. We went to a restaurant in Diamond alley and sat on stools and had a sparkling Moselle and clam chowderchowder n.<美>[食]杂烩(一种用鲜鱼与咸肉,洋葱等煨成的食品) and apple fritters.’


“‘Then he wanted to show me his bachelor apartment on Liberty street. Hes got ten rooms over a fish market with privilegeprivilege n.特权, 特别待遇, 基本公民权利, 特免 vt.给予……特权, 特免 of the bath on the next floor above. He told me it cost him 18,000 to furnish his apartment, and I believe it.’


“‘Hes got 40,000 worth of pictures in one room, and 20,000 worth of curioscurio n.古董, 古玩 and antiquesantique n.古物, 古董 adj.古时的, 过时的 in another. His names Scudder, and hes 45, and taking lessons on the piano and 15,000 barrels of oil a day out of his wells.’


“‘All right,’ says I. ‘Preliminary canter satisfactory. But, kay vooly, voo? What good is the art junk to us? And the oil?’


“‘Now, that man,’ says Andy, sitting thoughtfully on the bed, aint what you would call an ordinary scutt. When he was showing me his cabinetcabinet n.(有抽屉或格子的)橱柜, <美>内阁 adj.<美>内阁的, 小巧的 of art curios his face lighted up like the door of a coke oven. He says that if some of his big deals go through hell make J. P. Morgans collection of sweatshop tapestrytapestry n.织锦, 挂毯 vt.编织锦或织画, 用挂毯装饰 and Augusta, Me., beadworkbeadwork n.珠饰细工, 珠缘 look like the contents of an ostrichs craw thrown on a screen by a magic lantern.


“‘And then he showed me a little carving,’ went on Andy, ‘that anybody could see was a wonderful thing. It was something like 2,000 years old, he said. It was a lotus flowerlotus flower n.莲花, 荷花 with a womans face in it carved out of a solid piece of ivoryivory n.象牙.’


“‘Scudder looks it up in a cataloguecatalogue n.目录 and describes it. An Egyptian carvercarver n.雕刻匠, 雕工, 切肉刀, 切肉的人 named Khafra made two of em for King Rameses II. about the year B.C. The other one cant be found. The junkshops and antique bugs have rubbered all Europe for it, but it seems to be out of stock. Scudder paid 2,000 for the one he has.’
