
第7章 Conscience in Art(3)

“‘Oh, well,’ says I, ‘this sounds like the purling of a rill to me. I thought we came here to teach the millionaires business, instead of learning art from em?’


“‘Be patient,’ says Andy, kindly. ‘Maybe we will see a rift in the smoke ere long.’


“All the next morning Andy was out. I didnt see him until about noon. He came to the hotel and called me into his room across the hall. He pulled a roundishroundish adj.圆的 bundle about as big as a goose egg out of his pocket and unwrappedunwrap vt.打开, 解开, 展开 it. It was an ivory carving just as he had described the millionaires to me.


“‘I went in an old second hand store and pawnshoppawnshop n.当铺 a while ago,’ says Andy, ‘and I see this half hidden under a lot of old daggersdagger n.短剑, 匕首 vt.用剑(或匕首)刺 and truck. The pawnbroker said hed had it several years and thinks it was soaked by some Arabs or Turks or some foreign dubs that used to live down by the river.’


“‘I offered him 2 for it, and I must have looked like I wanted it, for he said it would be taking the pumpernickelpumpernickel n. 裸麦粉粗面包 out of his childrens mouths to hold any conversation that did not lead up to a price of 35. I finally got it for 25.’


“‘Jeff,’ goes on Andy, ‘this is the exact counterpart of Scudders carving. Its absolutely a dead ringer for it. Hell pay 2,000 for it as quick as hed tuck a napkinnapkin n.餐巾, 餐巾纸, <英>尿布, <美>月经带 under his chin. And why shouldnt it be the genuine other one, anyhow, that the old gypsy whittled out?’


“‘Why not, indeed?’ says I. ‘And how shall we go about compelling him to make a voluntaryvoluntary adj.自动的, 自愿的, 主动的, 故意的,非官办的, 志愿的, 自发的 purchase of it?’


“Andy had his plan all ready, and Ill tell you how we carried it out.


“I got a pair of blue spectaclesspectacles n. 眼镜, put on my black frock coat, rumpled my hair up and became Prof. Pickleman. I went to another hotel, registered, and sent a telegram to Scudder to come to see me at once on important art business. The elevator dumped him on me in less than an hour. He was a foggy man with a clarionclarion n.号角 voice, smelling of Connecticut wrappers and naphthanaphtha n.[化]石脑油(一种石油馏分).


“‘Hello, Profess!’ he shouts. ‘Hows your conductconduct n.行为, 操行 v.引导, 管理, 为人, 传导?’


“I rumpled my hair some more and gave him a blue glass stare.


“‘Sir,’ says I, ‘are you Cornelius T. Scudder? Of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania?’


“‘I am,’ says he. ‘Come out and have a drink.’


“‘Ive neither the time nor the desire,’ says I, ‘for such harmful and deleterious amusements. I have come from New York,’ says I, ‘on a matter of busi—on a matter of art.’


“‘I learned there that you are the owner of an Egyptian ivory carving of the time of Rameses II., representing the head of Queen Isis in a lotus flower. There were only two of such carvings made. One has been lost for many years. I recently discovered and purchaseddeleterious adj.有害的, 有毒的 the other in a pawn—in an obscure museum in Vienna. I wish to purchase

purchase v.购买 yours. Name your price.’


“‘Well, the great ice jams, Profess!’ says Scudder. ‘Have you found the other one? Me sell? No. I dont guess Cornelius Scudder needs to sell anything that he wants to keep. Have you got the carving with you, Profess?’


“I shows it to Scudder. He examines it careful all over.


“‘Its the article,’ says he. ‘Its a duplicateduplicate adj.复制的, 副的, 两重的, 两倍的,完全相同n.复制品, 副本 vt.复写, 复制, 使加倍, 使成双 of mine, every line and curve of it. Tell you what I’ll do,’ he says. ‘I wont sell, but Ill buy. Give you 2,500 for yours.’


“‘Since you wont sell, I will,’ says I. ‘Large bills, please. Im a man of few words. I must return to New York tonight. I lecture tomorrow at the aquariumaquarium n.养鱼池, 玻璃缸, 水族馆.’


“Scudder sends a check down and the hotel cashes it. He goes off with his piece of antiquity and I hurry back to Andys hotel, according to arrangement.


“Andy is walking up and down the room looking at his watch.


“‘Well?’ he says.


“‘Twentyfive hundred,’ says I. ‘Cash.’


“‘Weve got just eleven minutes,’ says Andy, ‘to catch the B. & O. westboundwestbound adj.向西进行的, 西行的. Grab your baggage.’


“‘Whats the hurry,’ says I. ‘It was a square deal. And even if it was only an imitationimitation n.模仿, 效法, 冒充, 赝品, 仿造物 of the original carving itll take him some time to find it out. He seemed to be sure it was the genuine article.’


“‘It was,’ says Andy. ‘It was his own. When I was looking at his curious yesterday he stepped out of the room for a moment and I pocketed it. Now, will you pick up your suit case and hurry?’


“‘Then,’ says I, ‘why was that story about finding another one in the pawnpawn n.典当, 抵押物, 人质, (象棋)兵、卒, 爪牙,被人利用的人 vt.当掉, 以……担保—’


“‘Oh,’ says Andy, ‘out of respect for that conscience of yours. Come on.’”
