
第8章 Jeff Peters as aPersonal Magnet(1)


Jeff Peters has been engaged in as many schemesscheme n.安排, 配置, 计划, 阴谋, 方案, 图解, 摘要 v.计划, 设计, 图谋, 策划 for making money as there are recipes for cooking rice in Charleston, S.C.


Best of all I like to hear him tell of his earlier days when he sold linimentsliniment n.擦剂,涂抹油 and cough cures on street corners, living hard to mouth, heart to heart with the people, throwing heads or tails with fortune for his last coin.


“I struck Fisher Hill, Arkansaw,” said he, “in a buckskinbuckskin n.鹿皮裤, 鹿皮 suit, moccasinsmoccasin n.鹿皮鞋, 软拖鞋, long hair and a thirtycarat diamond ring that I got from an actor in Texarkana. I dont know what he ever did with the pocket knife I swappedswap v.交换 n.交换 him for it.


“I was Dr. Waughhoo, the celebrated Indian medicine man. I carried only one best bet just then, and that was Resurrection Bitters. It was made of life—giving plants and herbs accidentally discovered by Taquala, the beautiful wife of the chief of the Choctaw Nation, while gathering truck to garnishgarnish v.装饰 a platter of boiled dog for the annual corn dance.


“Business hadnt been good in the last town, so I only had five dollars. I went to the Fisher Hill druggist and he credited me for half a gross of eightounce bottles and corks. I had the labels and ingredientsingredient n.成分, 因素 in my valise, left over from the last town. Life began to look rosy again after I got in my hotel room with the water running from the tap, and the Resurrection Bitters lining up on the table by the dozen.


“Fake? No, sir. There was two dollars worth of fluid extract of cinchonacinchona n.[植物](产于南美的)金鸡纳树, 金鸡纳皮 and a dimes worth of aniline in that halfgross of bitters. Ive gone through towns years afterwards and had folks ask for em again.


“I hired a wagon that night and commencedcommence v.开始, 着手 selling the bitters on Main Street. Fisher Hill was a low, malarial town, and a compound hypotheticalhypothetical adj.假设的, 假定的,爱猜想的 pneumocardiac antiscorbutic tonic was just what I diagnoseddiagnose v.诊断 the crowd as needing. The bitters started off like sweetbreadsontoast at a vegetarianvegetarian n.素食者, 食草动物 adj.素食的 dinner. I had sold two dozen at fifty cents apiece when I felt somebody pull my coat tail. I knew what that meant, so I climbed down and sneaked a five dollar bill into the hand of a man with a German silver star on his lapel.


“‘Constableconstable n.治安官, 警官, 巡官,’ says I, ‘its a fine night.’


“‘Have you got a city license,’ he asks, ‘to sell this illegitimateillegitimate adj.违法的, 非嫡出的, 庶生的, 私生的,不合理的, 不合逻辑的 n.非嫡出子, 庶子 vt.认为违法,认做私生子 essence of spooju that you flatter by the name of medicine?’


“‘I have not,’ says I. ‘I didnt know you had a city. If I can find it tomorrow Ill take one out if its necessary.’


“‘Ill have to close you up till you do,’ says the constable.


“I quit selling and went back to the hotel. I was talking to the landlordlandlord n.房东, 地主, (旅馆等的)老板 about it.


“‘Oh, you wont stand no show in Fisher Hill,’ says he. ‘Dr. Hoskins, the only doctor here, is a brotherinlaw of the Mayor, and they wont allow no fake doctor to practice in town.’


“‘I dont practice medicine,’ says I, ‘Ive got a State peddlers license, and I take out a city one wherever they demand it.’


“I went to the Mayors office the next morning and they told me he hadnt showed up yet. They didnt know when hed be down. So Doc Waughhoo huncheshunch n.圆形之隆起物, 肉峰, 预感, 大块 vt.弯腰驼背,弓起背部,耸肩 vi.向前移动, 隆起 down again in a hotel chair and lights a jimpsonweed regalia, and waits.


“By and by a young man in a blue necktienecktie n.领带 slips into the chair next to me and asks the time.


“‘Half past ten,’ says I, ‘and you are Andy Tucker. Ive seen you work. Wasnt it you that put up the Great Cupid Combination package on the Southern States? Lets see, it was a Chilian diamond engagement ringengagement ring n.订婚戒指, a wedding ring, a potato masher, a bottle of soothing syrup and Dorothy Vernon—all for fifty cents.’


“Andy was pleased to hear that I remembered him. He was a good street man, and he was more than that—he respected his professionprofession n.职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布, and he was satisfied with 300 per cent. profit. He had plenty of offers to go into the illegitimate drug and garden seed business, but he was never to be tempted off of the straight path.


“I wanted a partner, so Andy and me agreed to go out together. I told him about the situation in Fisher Hill and how finances was low on account of the local mixture of politics and jalapjalap n.泻药. Andy had just got in on the train that morning. He was pretty low himself, and was going to canvass the whole town for a few dollars to build a new battleship by popular subscriptionsubscription n.捐献, 订金, 订阅, 签署, 同意, [医]下标处方 at Eureka Springs. So we went out and sat on the porchporch n.门廊, 走廊 and talked it over.
