
第19章 旅行宝典Travel Guide(1)

Food and Wine of France






法国每个省份的进餐时间和食物都略有不同,普通来说,早餐在7时至9时,以咖啡,茶,面包和牛角为主。中餐在12时至2时,晚餐由7时开始。传统的餐厅在晚上11时便停止服务,但在市中心及火车站附近则有营业时间较长的餐厅。当然还有很多酒吧,夜总会营业至深夜。法国亦有很多小食店,三文治快餐店,薄饼店等出售各类小吃,蛋糕,三文治,满足各种人对饮食的不同要求。大部分餐馆都在门口贴了当日的菜单及价钱。而午饭时大多有今日推荐菜单( Plat du jour),价钱较为便宜。











The normal meal schedule is to take a light breakfast in the morning (consisting of bread and/or cereal,possibly coffee and some fruit,perhaps croissants),a lunch at some point between noon and 2PM,and dinner in the evening. A normal complete meal consists in appetizers (perhaps raw vegetables or salad),a main dish (generally,meat or fish with a side of vegetables,pastapasta n.意大利面制品,意大利面食(包括通心粉及面条等),rice or friest),some cheese and/or dessert (fruit or cake). While most working people and students eat their lunch outside,it is to be noted that corporate and school cafeterias normally serve complete meals (appetizers,main dish,dessert);it is not usual for students to bring sandwiches.

The French generally take a strong interest in food. French food was largely regional,and these influences still show (to draw some caricature,the cooking of Normandy is based on cream and butter,while Provence uses olive oil as a cooking fat). Some dishes,such as garnished sauerkraut,are connoted for a particular region (in this case,Alsace). However,with the movements of population across contemporary France,regional distinctions are less acute;while many dishes retain the association with their region of origin,they are available and appreciated nationwide. Furthermore,international cuisines are appreciated;let us cite Northern African dishes such as couscous stew,Chinese cuisine,and,more recently,Japanese cuisinecuisine n.厨房烹调法,烹饪,烹调风格) (the latter are generally appreciated in restaurants.

Famous Food in France

Bakeries: Where would a French national be without a bakery? These can be found throughout the area. For a bakery close to your hotel (if your accommodation choice doesn,t have one inhouse),ask for details on arrival.

Chinese Restaurants: They are plentiful and can be found almost everywhere in this exciting destination.

Halal Cuisine:If you are of Islamic faith or simply prefer halal cuisine,then your palette is well catered for here. Hotels/resorts and restaurants often cater to your preferred diet and for more information (if your accommodation choice doesn,t offer this cuisine) would be to ask at your hotel or one of the useful information centres in the area on arrival.

Hawker Food: Hawker venues are dotted throughout the area. These come in the form of street stalls or can be found inside market areas and shopping malls. Generally this food is safe to eat and the variety extensive and mouth watering.

Kosher Dishes: Members of the Jewish faith will have no trouble following their traditional diet here. If your hotel doesn,t already cater for this,restaurants in the area do and you are advised to ask for details on a venue nearest your hotel that does.

Local Cuisine: If you are the adventurous type,don,t miss out on the local eateries offering traditional dishes that are well worth samplingsampling 取样 v.取样 when here. Who knows you may even go home with a new dish to add to your next dinner party?

International (Western cuisine): You,ll find western style eateries and American fastfood outlets throughout the area. German,Italian and Greek restaurants as well other nations will more than satisfy your cravings for food from these countries.

Indian Cuisine: Indian food is plentiful,from quaint coffee shops to those serving spicyspicy adj.加香料的,出产香料的,辛辣的,有风味的 curries,dosas and chapaties you are sure to find something to suit your taste. This popular cuisine is well catered for here and you certainly won,t starve on this front.

Japanese Dishes: Can be found at a number of Japanese restaurants in the area. Ask for details on one closest to your hotel on arrival.

Seafood: Forever popular with locals and visitors alike,the choice of seafood is good here. Hotels,restaurants and other eateries often include seafood dishes on their menus,so if this is what you are looking for,you certainly won,t be disappointed.

Special Diets: If you are allergicallergic adj.[医]过敏的,患过敏症的 to certain foodstuffs or require a specific diet when on holiday it is always best to mention this fact on arrival at your hotel as they can sometimes organise a special menu to suit or at least be prepared to prepare some dishes especially,to meet your requirements if the establishment doesn,t already cater to your needs.