
第20章 旅行宝典Travel Guide(2)

Take Away Meals: are supplied by a number of restaurants and eateries in the area. It,s best to state you want a takeaway when making your order as sometimes eateries have different rates for meals eaten in and those eaten out. Hotels will also often cater for this and some will even do up a picnic hamper for their guests. Ask for details on arrival.

Thai Food: Possibilities range from Tom Yam soup and other well known dishes to the more traditional. Restaurants can be found in most areas and some shopping complexes.

Vegetarian Cuisine: Whether you are simply following a healthy diet when on holiday or vegetarian products are your preference,you are well catered to here. Most hotel/resorts offer vegetarian dishes as do an ever increasing number of local eateries.

Traditionally,France has been a culture of wine consumption. However,this characteristic has lessened with time,and nowadays only 23% of the French consume wine every day. Especially,the consumption of lowquality wines during meals has been greatly reduced. Beer is especially popular with the youth. Other popular alcoholic drinks include pastis,an aniseedflavored beveragebeverage n.饮料 drunk diluted with cold water,especially in the summer.

The legal drinking age for most spirits is 16;it is not customary that shopkeepers or bartenders check for the age of consumers.

Shopping in France








France offers a variety of shopping choices with value for money quality and excellent services. Be it fashion,designer products,traditional crafts or the latest,hightech electrical and electronic goods,France has it all and some.

Art Paintings,sketchessketch n.略图,草图,概略,梗概,草图,拟定 vi.绘略图,素描 v.勾画,handicrafts and other art forms can either be purchased from local galleries,the artists themselves or from shops specialising in these items. They prove popular with visitors seeking something a little out of the ordinary that will bring fond memories of their time here and make for a very worthwhile shopping suggestion.

Antiques: A wide range of antiquesantique n.古物,古董 adj.古时的,过时的 are available. Your best bet is to scrounge around in antique shops,but if you are in the area when a local market is being held,you might be in for a surprise if you wander through a second hand stall. You,ll be surprised at the bargainsbargain n.契约,合同,成交商品,便宜货 v.议价 one can sometimes find...but you do,of course need to know what you are looking for.

Clothes: Designerwear from Paris,Milan,New York and London are on offer at the airconditioned shopping malls,fashion boutiquesboutique n.专卖流行衣服的小商店 and other stores throughout the area as well as a few other centres. Cheaper,more casual wear can be found in shops dotted throughout the country.

Electronic Goods: Cameras,computer hardware and software are on sale in the duty free shops and electronic stores in the area. Do shop around for the best rates,before you buy,as prices can and do vary greatly. The voltage and cycle of all electrical and electronic items should be checked before purchasing to ensure it matches your requirements back home. If/where possible,test all goods up to satisfaction,before making a final purchase.

Handicrafts: make for some excellent souvenirssouvenir n.纪念品 and there are a number of outlets selling this type of produce. Again,like most shopping suggestions;do shop around for quality and price,before you buy if you have time.

Jewellery: When ever one purchases jewellery it,s always a good idea to buy from reputable jewellers only and know what you are buying to start with.

Souvenirs: are on offer within many hotels/resorts as well as scattered throughout the local tourist spots,sightseeing venues and the like. These vary from cheap junk type items to some exquisitely crafted items well worth purchasing. Again,shop around if you have time.

Wine: France is a land of excellent wines and you can find wines throughout the country. The vineyards themselves generally have the best rates,but shops and cellars often have specials on vintages and there,s always the duty free shops on arrival/departure that generally offer a reasonable selection too.

Language of France







法文措辞完全国际化而出现于大多数欧洲语言的这种例子,数目相当庞大:consmmè(肉汤)、menu(菜单)、a、 la carte(照菜单点菜)、blase、(感觉麻木的)、garage(车库)、début(初演)、sabotage(怠工)、foyer(剧场休息室)、blouse(上衫)、collage(美术拼贴)以及fugue(遁走曲)。