
第21章 旅行宝典Travel Guide(3)


When go to France,it is very important to learn its language.French culture is profoundly allied with the French language. The artful use of the mother tongue,and its defense against perceived decline or corruptioncorruption n.腐败,贪污,堕落 by foreign terms,is a major preoccupation for some persons and entities.

The Académie francaise sets an official standard of language purity;however,this standard,which is not mandatory,is even occasionally ignored by the government itself: for instance,the leftwing government of Lionel Jospin pushed for the feminization of the names of some functions (madame la ministre) while the Académie pushed for some more traditional madame le ministre.

Some action has been taken by the government in order to promote French culture and the French language. For instance,there exists a system of subsidies and preferential loans for supporting French cinema. The Toubon law,from the name of the conservative culture minister who promoted it,makes it mandatory to use French in advertisements directed to the general public. Note that contrary to some misconception sometimes found in the Anglophone media,the French government neither regulates the language used by private parties in noncommercial settings,neither makes it compulsorycompulsory adj.必须做的,必修的,被强迫的,被强制的,义务的 that Francebased WWW sites should be in French.

France counts many regional languages,some of them being very unrelated to standard French such as Breton and Alsatian. Most of them are from the same language group (IndoEuropean languages),and some regional languages are Romance,like French,such as Provencal. Many of them have some enthusiastic proponents among the people;however,the real importance of local languages remains subject to debate. There is also a language completely unrelated to French,Basque. In April 2001,the Minister of Education,Jack Lang,admitted formally that for more than two centuries,the political powers of the French government had repressed regional languages,and announced that bilingual education would,for the first time,be recognized,and bilingualbilingual adj.能说两种语言的 teachers recruited in French public schools. The real importance of local languages remains subject to debate.

Transport of France




巴黎有两个国际机场:戴高乐机场(RoissyCharles de Gaulle)和奥利机场(Orly)。从巴黎市中心前往机场可以乘坐机场班车、出租车或奥利地铁(Orlyval),国有企业法国航空公司(Air France)的航线涵盖了绝大部分距巴黎一小时左右的大城市,以及一些外省之间的城市。








France naturally has a system of large,navigable rivers,such as the Loire,Seine,and Rhone that criss cross the country and have long been essential for trade and travel.

The first important human improvements were the Roman roads linking major settlements and providing quick passage for marching armies. These routes these roads followed are copied today by many modern highways and railways.

Throughout the middle ages improvements were sparse and mediocremediocre adj.普普通通的 and transportation became slow and cumbersome. The early modern period saw great improvements. There was a proliferation of canals connecting rivers (like the Canal du Midi). It also saw great changes in oceanic shipping. Rather than expensive galleys,wind powered ships that were far faster and had far more cargo space became popular on the coastal trade. Transatlantictransatlantic adj.大西洋彼岸的 shipping with the New World turned cities such as Nantes and Bordeaux into major ports of international importance.


Even in France,where,because of water transport,railways were of lesser importance than in other nations,railways were still an extremely important area of economic development. Despite already having a well developed water transport system,by 1875 railways were carrying four times as much cargocargo n.船货,(车、船、飞机等运输的)货物 as canals and rivers combined.

French railways started later,and developed more slowly than those in other nations. While the first railway built in France was in operation in 1832,not long after the first line had opened in Britain,French progress failed to keep pace over the next decade.