
第10章 德拉瓦州(5)

Flower:Light pink to carmine(洋红色的,深红色的),to purplish(略带紫色的);1inch in diameter.Single locule(小腔,小室),single seed inside superior ovary[(植物)子房],surrounded by hypanthium([植]隐头花序).Color of inner surface of hypanthium is indicative of flesh color;whitish-green=white,gold=yellow.Petals can be large and showy,or small and curved on margins.Flowers are borne singly on short peduncles(花梗,梗,(肿瘤或息肉的)肉茎)(almost sessile),from lateral(横(向)的,侧面的)buds on 1-year-old wood;usually 1-2flower buds/node.Ornamental peaches contain fully double flowers,having many petals and a carnation(康乃馨)-like appearance.Colors range from dark pink to white.

Fruit:Fuzzy(有绒毛的)drupe(核果),3inches across,yellow and red,hard,ribbed pit inside encloses the seed,very delicious and juicy,ripens in mid summer.

Twig:New growth is red and green,later turns gray brown,buds are blunt and gray fuzzy,spur shoot present.

Bark:Dark gray,initially smooth with elongated lenticels([植]皮孔),later splits and becomes irregularly scaly.

Form:A small tree up to 15feet with a spreading crown.

State Flag州旗


Although it was the first state of the nation,Delaware took a long time in deciding on a state flag.Finally,state officials authorized a design that combined elements from previous flags.

Adopted on July 24,1913,the Delaware state flag has a background of colonial blue surrounding a diamond of buff color in which the coat of arms of the state is placed.Below the diamond are the words “December 7,1787”,indicating the day on which Delaware was the first state to ratify(批准,认可)the United States constitution.Because of this action,Delaware became the first state in the Union,and is,therefore,accorded the first position in such national events as presidential inaugurations(就职典礼).According to members of the original commission established to design the flag,the shades of buff and colonial blue represent those of the uniform of General George Washington.Inside the diamond,the flag recognizes the importance of commerce(the ship)and agriculture(wheat,corn,the ox and the farmer)to the state.Tribute is also paid to the revolutionary war soldiers.The words in the ribbon banner read Liberty and Independence.

State Song州歌

Our Delaware

Oh the hills of dear New Castle,

and the smiling vales between,

When the corn is all in tassel,

And the meadowlands are green;

Where the cattle crop the clover,

And its breath is in the air,

While the sun is shining over

Our beloved Delaware.


Where the wheat fields break and billow(巨浪),

In the peaceful land of Kent,

Where the toiler(辛苦工作的人,劳动者)seeks his pillow,

With the blessings of content;

Where the bloom that tints the peaches,

Cheeks of merry maidens share,

And the woodland chorus preaches

A rejoicing Delaware.


Dear old Sussex visions linger,

Of the holly and the pine,

Of Henlopens Jeweled finger,

Flashing out across the brine(盐水);

Of the gardens and the hedges(树篱,障碍物),

And the welcome waiting there,

For the loyal son that pledges

Faith to good old Delaware.


From New Castle’s rolling meadows,

Through the fair rich fields of Kent,

To the Sussex shores hear echoes,

Of the pledge we now present;

Liberty and Independence,

We will guard with loyal care,

And hold fast to freedom’s presence,

In our home state Delaware.


Oh our Delaware!Our beloved Delaware!

For the sun is shining over our beloved Delaware,

Oh our Delaware!Our beloved Delaware!

Heres the loyal son that pledges,

Faith to good old Delaware.

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.Delaware was the first state to ratify the United States constitution.It did so on December 7,1787.

2.Delaware shares a semi-circular border with Pennsylvania.The border was drawn at the time of the original land grants to William Penn from King Charles II and the Duke of York.

3.The nation’s first scheduled steam railroad began in New Castle in 1831.

4.The United States battleship Delaware was commissioned in 1910.

5.Delaware is the only state without any National Park System units such as national parks,seashores,historic sites,battlefields,memorials(纪念馆),and monuments.

6.Delmar is popularized(普及)as the little town too big for one state.The community has the distinction of being located partly in Delaware and partly in Maryland.

7.The most historic site in Frederica is Barratt’s Chapel(小礼拜堂,礼拜)east of town.The chapel is where the Methodist Church of America was organized in 1784.

8.Today about 500descendants of the original Nanticoke Indians reside in Delaware.They celebrate their heritage each September with the Nanticoke Indian Pow Wow.

9.The log cabin originated in Finland.Finnish settlers arrived in Delaware in the mid-1600s and brought with them plans for the log cabin,one of the enduring symbols of the American pioneer.One of the cabins has been preserved and is on display at the Delaware Agricultural Museum in Dover.

10.John Dickinson was called the Penman(书法家)of the Revolution for his writings on independence.His boyhood home is preserved in Dover.

11.Tradition holds the first time Betsy Ross’s famous flag was flown was at the Battle of Cooch’s Bridge.This historic site is located on route 4in Newark.

12.The Blue Hen chicken is the official state bird.The hens were noted for their fighting ability.Delaware is sometimes referred to as the Blue Hen State.

13.The Lady Bug is Delaware’s official state bug.

14.Eleven years after the landing of the English pilgrims the first white settlement was made on Delaware soil.

15.In 1785Oliver Evans of Newport invented the automatic(自动的)flour-milling machinery that revolutionized the industry.

16.“Our Delaware”is the official state song.The words are by George Hynson,music by William Brown.

17.In total area Delaware ranks 49th in the nation.It contains 1,982square miles.It is 96miles long and varies from 9to 35miles in width.

18.Ebright Road in New Castle County is the highest state elevation(海拔)at 442feet above sea level.The lowest elevation is along the coast at sea level.