
第44章 砖是怎么做出来的

1.We know that bricks are made of burned clay;but let us try to learn something more about them.Have you ever measured a brick?Ifyou do so,you will find that its length is nine inches,its breadth four and a half inches,and its thickness three inches.A good brick should weigh seven pounds.


2.Notice what a regular shape the brick has,with its flat sides and its straight edges.It is because bricks are so regular①in shape,in size,and in weight,that they make such a good material②for building houses.

3.Let us go to a brick-field and watch the men while they are at work.Some men dig the clay,while others pick out anyBRICK-LAYERS(砖瓦匠)large stones that may be in it.

①Regular,made according to fixed rule.

②Material,that out of which a thing is made.

The clay is then moistened①with water,and ground in a kind of mill until it becomes a smooth paste.

4.It is then moulded by being pressed into wooden boxes of the right size and shape.The moulded bricks are next piled on barrows,and wheeled away to a field where they are laid in rows in the open air under low sheds.They are left here to dry for a few weeks.

5.In hot countries bricks are


often used which have simply been dried in the sun in this way.But these sun-dried bricks will not stand much rain:the water soaks into them,and they once more become lumps of soft clay.

6.The reason of this is that there is not only water in the pores of the clay,there is also water united②with the clay itself,and this water can only be got rid of by the strong heat of a fire.So thebricks,after being dried in the air,are placed in a kiln.Fires are lighted beneath the kiln,and the bricks are baked or burned in it for some time.

7.Most bricks turn red when burnt.That is owing to the fact that the clay from which they were made contained a very little iron,and the burning changed this iron into iron-rust,which is of a red colour.

8.Bricks will stand a great heat without melting,especially③those made from a kind of clay which is called fire-clay.Such bricks are called fire-bricks,and they are used for the backs and sides of fire-places,and for building furnaces in which metals are to be melted.

①Moistened,made moist or slightly wet.




Bricks .are made from clay,which is freed from stones,moistened with water and ground to a fine paste,and then moulded into the shape of bricks.These bricks are first dried in the open air.They are then baked in a kiln,after which they are ready to be used for building.Their red colour is due to a little iron-rust being found in the clay.Bricks are all of a regular shape,size,and weight.







⑥这种方法制造的砖,最早可以追溯到9500年前的“泰尔·阿斯瓦德”新石器遗址(Tell Aswad,现在的叙利亚的西南部)。后来,古埃及等文明也使用过这种办法。


