
第45章 一种叫“鳎”的比目鱼

1.Does your mother ever give you fish for dinner?If so,I dare say that you have eaten the fish called the sole.From the shape of its body it is called a flat fish.

2.The two sides of

the sole are of different colours.The one side is nearly white.That is the side that rests on the ground when the fish lies at the bottom of the sea.The other or upper side is of a brown colour,with dark spots.

3.You must not think

that the dark upper side is the back of the fish.Most fishes swim upright in the water,and so does the sole when it is quite young.But as it grows it spends its time lying on its left side on the sandy bottom of the sea.Then this side turns white,and the right side dark.

4.Now in this position its left eye could be of no use to it.So a very wonderful thing happens.The left eye of the young sole1.Young flat fish with an eye on each side(比目鱼幼体,眼睛一边一只)2.Second eye coming round(第二只眼睛转了过来)moves slowly round its head,until both eyes are on the upper or right side of the fish.

5.The sole has a very small mouth,and only the lower jaw has any teeth.Look at its fins.There is a long fin on each side,reaching from the head right along to the tail.There are also two pairs of fins lying just behind its head,a large pair and a small pair,near the ends of the slits,where the gills or lungs of the fish are placed.

6.The sole is a common fish in the shallow waters of the English Channel①.During the daytime it lies on the sand at the bottom of the sea.It is covered with small scales,and from between these comes a slime②which causes some of the sand to stick to the body of the fish.Thus the big fishes which might catch and eat the sole are not able to see it.

7.At night the sole moves about,seeking for the small creatures on which it feeds.It cannot see very well,but its sense of smell is very keen③;and it also feels for its prey by means ofthe rough skin on the lower or white side of the head.

8.Soles are not good to eat in March,for they are then laying their eggs or spawn.These tiny eggs float in the sea,and soon each egg (if it is not eaten up by fishes)produces④a little sole.

9.The sole is caught by means of big nets,which are dragged along the bottom of the sea by ropes fastened to fishing-boats.The flesh of the sole is white,and it is very good for food.

①The English Channel,that part of the Atlantic Ocean which separates England from France.

②Slime,soft,sticky matter.


④Produces,yields;brings forth.


On account of its shape,the sole is called a flat fish.It has a very small mouth,and teeth only in its lower jaw.The sole spends most of its time lying on the bottom of the sea.It lies on its left side,which is white in colour;and both its eyes are on the right or upper side of its head.It is not easily seen by other fishes,owing to the sand which sticks to its body.At night it seeks for its food,which is chiefly worms and star-fishes.In March it lays its eggs or spawn,which float in the sea,and soon produce little soles.It is caught by dragging nets along the sea-bottom.Its flesh is white,and is very good to eat.


1.小朋友,妈妈给你吃过鱼吗?要是吃过,我敢说你一定吃过一种叫“鳎”的鱼。因为它的身体是平的,所以也叫“板鱼”(flat fish),学名是“比目鱼”。①2.比目鱼的身体两边颜色不一样。一边差不多是白色的,比目鱼躺在海底的时候,就用这一边贴着地面。另一边,也就是上边,是褐色的,长着深色的斑点。





③gills or lungs,“鳃或肺”,这种说法不准确,不能直接说鱼有肺,只能说鱼有鳃,或者说鳃“相当于”人类的肺,因为二者都是呼吸器官。有一类“肺鱼”,可以用鱼鳔呼吸,但鱼鳔也不是真正的肺。


