
第63章 吃苦耐劳的驴子

1.Have you ever heard a donkey bray?What a noise he makes!Even if you have not heard one,I am sure that you have all seen a donkey,and perhaps some of you have ridden one at the seaside on a holiday.The animal which we call the ass or donkey looks somewhat like the horse,but it is much smaller.It is covered with grey hair,and you may notice a long dark stripe running along the spine or back-bone,and a shorter stripe across the shoulders.

2.The donkey has long ears,which it lays backwards when it is angry.Its tail is somewhat like that of the cow;it is covered with short hairs,and has a tuft of long hairs at the end.The donkey finds its tail very useful for driving away the flies.

3.Along the top of its neck it has a short mane①.The manestands upright,and does not fall down over its neck like that of the horse.The donkey has two large,bright eyes,and two nostrils placed just above the mouth.

4.If we look inside the donkey’s mouth,we shall find that the teeth are very much like those of the horse.In the front of the mouth there are six chisel-shaped②teeth in each jaw,with which①Mane,the long hair on the necks of some animals.

②Chisel,a tool with a sharp edge for cutting wood,etc.

the donkey bites or cuts off its food;and at the back of the mouth there are six flat-topped teeth in each jaw at each side,with which it grinds its food to small pieces before swallowing it.Thedonkey lives on vegetable food①only,and it eats grass,hay,oats,and even thistles.

5.There is a clear space in the jaws between the front and the back teeth,and into this space we put the steel bit to which the reins are fastened when we drive or ride the donkey.

6.Each of the donkey‘s four feet consists of a single large,strong toe,which is protected by a horny covering or nail called the hoof.The hoof alone would wear away too quickly on the stony roads over which the donkey has to walk in our country;so the blacksmith fastens plates of iron,which we may call “donkey-shoes,”to its hoofs.They are of the same shape as horses-hoes,but are a good deal smaller.

①Vegetable food,plants.

7.The donkey is an extremely useful animal.It costs much less than a horse,and it is very hardy,strong,and sure-footed.Many people think that a donkey is a very stupid creature,but this is a great mistake.When it is worked too hard,badly treated,andbadly fed,the donkey becomes both stubborn①and stupid;butif any other animal were treated in that way,it would do just the same.

8.Any boy or girl who has a pet donkey to ride will find that the donkey can be both clever and patient②,as well as loving and good.But to get the donkey to do its best for us,we must be very kind to it.

9.Any one who ill-uses a dumb animal must be either ignorant or wicked,or perhaps both.People who beat and ill-treat the donkey or any other animal can now be punished either byhaving to pay a fine③or by being put into prison.


The donkey is somewhat like the horse,but much smaller.Its hair is grey,with a dark stripe running down the spine and across the shoulders.It has long ears,a tufted tail,and a short mane.In the front of its mouth are six chisel-shaped cutting teeth in each jaw,and at the back of its mouth are six flat-topped grinding teeth in each jaw at each side.The foot consists of a large strong toe,protected by a hoof,to which iron shoes are fastened.The ass is very useful,costs less than a horse,and is very hardy,strong,and sure-footed.


1.你有没有听到过驴①叫?那种声音可真不是一般的洪亮啊!即便你没有听到过驴叫,那么我肯定,你绝对看到过这种动物,有些人可能在海边度假的①Stubborn,not easily made to move.

②Patient,long-suffering;not easily made angry.

③Fine,a payment of money ordered by a court of law as a punishment for wrong-doing.













③惩罚:前面的课文注释,已经提到过英国的动物立法历史。这里关于虐待驴子的具体条目不详,但1876年关于实验动物的《英国残酷对待动物法》(Cruelty to Animals Act),以及1911年的《英格兰动物保护法》(Protection of Animals Act),都有针对虐待实验动物和牛、马、驴等家畜的惩罚,包括罚款和监禁。2006年,英国通过了更加完善的《动物福利法案》(Animal Welfare Act)。英国现在还有大约900头役使用的驴子,其中有不少是在沙滩上让孩子骑的。2008年,英国通过了一项保护沙滩驴的方案,除了规定沙滩驴必要的休息时间之外,还禁止体重超过8英石(大约50.1公斤)的儿童骑沙滩驴。