
第64章 有用的椰子

1.Cocoa-nuts grow in clusters①at the top of a palm-tree which is found in most hot countries.This palm has a slender brown stem,sometimes from sixty to ninety feet high,without branches,but bearing at the top a crown of beautiful,long,feathery leaves,under the shade of which the flowers and the nuts grow.

2.The cocoa-nut palm often grows in the sand of the sea-shore,and when the ripe nuts fall down they sometimes roll into the sea.They are then carried by the waves to the shores of other countries or islands,and from these nuts young palm-trees spring up.In this way the cocoa-nut palmhas spread almost all round the world in the hot countries called the Tropics.

3.Each nut has a thick brown husk or covering,full of tough fibres②.This husk is stripped off,and its fibres are made into mats,brushes,and such things.

COCOA-NUTS.Showing husk,shell,and kernel.



②Fibres,the thin thread-like parts of a plant.

4.The cocoa-nut itself,inside the husk,has a hard brown shell of an oval①shape,about four or five inches in length.The shell is rough and hairy on the outside,but is smooth inside.

5.At one end of the shell there are three black marks or scars,which make that end look a little like a monkey’s face.Prick these sears with a pin,and you will find that one of them-but only one-is quite soft.This soft black mark is the place through which the young palm-tree would force its way out,if the cocoanut were planted in the soil of its native land.

6.Now we will carefully saw the nut into halves.It is then seen to be lined with a thick white kernel②,while the centre is hollow,and contains a sweet watery liquid③which is called “milk.”

①Oval,like an egg.

②Kernel.the inner part of a nut.

③Liquid,fluid;anything in a melted state.



d.Hollow containing milk.

e.Germ of young plant.f.Opening in shell.

g.One of the other black spots.


中空结构;e.椰树胚;f.果壳开口;g.另一个黑色斑点。)7.The shells make good drinking-cups,and very pretty ones too,for the outside can be polished①and carved.The white kernel is good to eat,as every boy and girl knows;and the “milk”is good to drink.

8.The kernel contains a great deal of a fatty matter which is called cocoa-nut oil,and which is got out of the kernels by pressing them.This oil is used for making candles and soap.

9.The cocoa-nut palm is very useful to the na ti ves of the hot countries where it grows.Not only dothey use its nuts in many ways,but they build their houses of its stems,and thatch②them with its big leaves.


Cocoa-nuts grow on a palm-tree which has a tall,slender brown stem,and a crown of feathery leaves.The nut has a thick,brown husk,the fibres of which are used for making mats,brushes,etc.Inside the husk is a brown oval shell with three black scars at one end,through one of which the young palm would grow if the nut were planted.The inside of the nut is lined with a thick,white kernel,and contains the “milk.”From the shells drinking-cups are made.The kernel is good to eat,and the “milk”good to drink.Cocoa-nut oil,which is used for making candles and soap,is got from the kernels.

①Polished,made smooth by rubbing.

②Thatch,make a roof of rushes or leaves.













