
第73章 樱桃树及其果实

1.The cherry-tree is a small tree which grows to a height of about twenty feet.Its stem is covered with a smooth brown bark,and its green leaves have saw-like edges,somewhat like the leaves of a rose-bush.

2.A cherry-orchard in spring,say in the month of May,is a beautiful sight.The trees are then covered with white blossoms,which make the branches look as if a shower of snow had fallen on them.Soon the grass below is also white with the fallingblossoms.The perfume of the cherry-blossom is very delightful①,and it attracts many insects looking for honey.

3.Let us pluck one of the pretty white flowers with which each cherry-tree is covered.Once this flower was only a bud,and then it looked like a little green ball.Now that the bud has opened,we see its green covering or cup turned back,and we notice that this cup is made of five small green leaves which have partly grown together.

4.What we call the “flower”of the cherry-tree consists of five white leaves or petals.Inside these petals are fifteen or twenty little dust-spikes or stamens,with yellow heads which are full of①Delightful,pleasant;fine.

tiny yellow grains of pollen.In the centre of the cherry-flower is the seed-vessel,which looks like a little green bag,with a long point called the style rising from it.

5.If you look at the flowers of

the wild rose,of the strawberry,and of the apple,you will find that they are all very much like the flower of the cherry.In fact,all these four plants belong to the same class.

6.If we visit the orchard again in June,we shall find that all the white flowers have fallen off the cherry-trees,and that the seed-vessel of each flower has swolleninto a green cherry.

7.Then later still,in July and



August,the cherries will be ripe.Some trees produce white cherries,and others red cherries;and others still produce cherries which are nearly black.On the outside of each ripe cherry is a thin skin.Under this skin is a thick,sweet,fleshy pulp①,and this is the part of the fruit that we eat.

8.In the centre of the fruit we find a hard lump called the “stone.”If we break this stone open,we shall find a kernel inside.This is the true seed of the cherry-tree.If we plant a cherry-stone,it will in time break open,and a little cherry-tree will spring up from the kernel after it has lain in the ground several years.

9.In most parts of Great Britain you will find the cherry growing wild in the woods and hedge-rows②.But the fruit of①Pulp,the soft fleshy part of fruit;any soft mass.

②Hedge-row,a row of thorns or shrubs forming a hedge or fence.

these wild cherry-trees is not nearly so large or so sweet as that of the trees which are cultivated①in our gardens and orchards.

10.The wood of the cherry-tree is much used for making furniture②.It is a hard wood,of a very pretty,brownish colour.


The cherry-tree grows to a height of about twenty feet.It has a smooth,brown bark,and leaves with saw-like edges.In spring the tree is covered with sweet-smelling white blossoms.The flower has five white petals,and fifteen or twenty stamens.In the centre is the seed-vessel.In June the seed-vessel swells into a green cherry,which ripens in July and August,and becomes white,red,or black in colour.In the centre of the fruit is the “stone”containing the kernel,which is the seed of the cherry-tree.Cherry wood is hard and of a pretty brownish colour,and is used for making furniture.The wild rose,strawberry,and apple belong to the same class as the cherry.
















