
第74章 聪明的蜘蛛

1.You may have seen men setting nets in the sea,or in a river,to catch fish.Let me tell you about the little animals that are always setting nets in your house and in your garden in much the same way.These animals are called spiders,and they use their nets or webs to catch flies and other insects.

2.The spider itself is not an insect.An insect has only six legs,while the spider has eight.Theinsect‘s body is plainlydivided into three parts;but the spider has its body in two parts only,the head and the chest being united into one part,while the belly forms the other.Insects have four wings;spiders have no wings.

Spiders,again,have no feelers in front oftheir heads,as insects have.GARDEN SPIDER(园蛛)HEAD OF SPIDER(蜘蛛的头部)3.An insect lays an egg,which changes first into a grub or cater-pillar,then into a pupa or chrysalis,and lastly into an insect.The spider also lays eggs,but each egg produces a perfect little baby spider.The perfect insect never grows bigger;but the little spiders grow so fast for a time that they haveto throw off their leathery①skins,and grow larger ones every few weeks.

4.The web of the spider is made of silk.This silk is formed inside the spider’s body as a gummy fluid.It is squeezed out of several holes at the end of the spider‘s body,and the moment it comes out into the air it hardens and forms adelicate②thread.The spider twists several of thesefine threads together to form one strong line.

5.Try to find a spider’s web on a bush or on theUNDER SIDE OF BODY(蜘蛛的腹面)grass in your garden,and look very closely at it.The spider makesthe outside lines of the web first.Then it forms the lines which extend like the spokes③of a wheel from the centre of the net to the edges.All these lines of the web are made of smooth elastic④threads of silk.

6.Lastly,it starts from the centre of the web and fastens a slender line across the others,SPIDER‘S WEB(蜘蛛网)①Leathery,tough like leather.

②Delicate,tender;easily broken or hurt.

③Spokes,the bars of a wheel stretching from the rim to the centre.

④Elastic,springy;able to return quickly to its original shape.

going round and round in a spiral①.This spiral or cross thread is covered by the spider with thousands of tiny drops of a very sticky substance.Then the spider goes to one corner of the net and waits.

7.Soon an insect-perhaps a common fly-rushes in its flight against the web,and is caught by the drops of sticky stuff.Out comes the spider,runs to the fly,and rolls a band of its gummy silk around it.Then the spider gives the fly a bite,to kill it,or carries it away to one corner of the web till it is wanted for food.

8.The spider’s jaws are grooved②,and in its head are sometiny poison-bags.When the spider bites,some of the poison runs down the grooves,and so enters the body of the insect which is bitten.After this the insect is unable to move or to fly away.


9.There are many spiders which in habits and appearance are quite different from the garden spider.Some of them have their nests in little holes in the ground,and make little trap-doors③to close them.Others live under water,and carry down little bubbles of air to breathe in their homes.

①Spiral,screw-like fashion.

②Grooved,hollowed out.

③Trap-door,a door or roof which shuts with a spring like a trap.


The spider differs from an insect in having eight legs,a body divided into two parts only,no wings,and no feelers.Each egg of the spider produces a little spider,which does not pass through any changes like the insect.The spider grows very fast,but the perfect insect never grows.The spider‘s web is made of silk formed by the hardening of a gummy juice squeezed out of the spider’s body.Flies and other insects are caught by the sticky cross threads of the web.From spiders‘webs silk gloves and stockings have been made.The spider has grooved jaws,down which poison runs from small bags in its head when it bites.














