
第83章 我们脚下的土地

1.Perhaps you have seen men digging in the earth,either preparing for the foundations①of a house,or making a deep ditch or a railway cutting②.If you watch them at work,you will see that the earth which they turn up is not all of the same colour.

2.On the top there may be grass growing,and when the men cut through the tough network of its roots,they find a loose black or dark-brown earth which is easy to dig.This is called the soil.

3.When they go a foot or two further down,they reach a kind of earth which is much lighter in colour and much harder to dig.This is called the subsoil.If they have to dig still deeper,they will①Foundation,ground-work;that upon which anything rests.

②Cutting,road cut out under the ground or through rock.

come after a while to the hard and solid rock.In some places the workmen may have to dig down only a few feet before they reach the rock,but in other places both the soil and the subsoil may bemany feet deep.The depth varies①very much in different spots.

4.At one time the soil was just like the subsoil,and before that it formed part of some hard and solid rock.How are the hard rocks broken up and changed into soil?Chiefly by meansLIMESTONE ROCK(石灰岩)of water.Rain-water dissolves②the rock called limestone,just as your warm tea dissolves the lumps of sugar which you put into it,though more slowly.The tops of limestone hills are often worn into the most curious shapes by the action of the rain-water.

5.The rock called sandstone is made up of a great many grains of sand.The beating of the rain on this rock washes the grains apart,and so the hard sandstone slowly changes into loose sand.

6.All rocks are full of tiny cracks and pores.After rain these are filled with water.In winter it often happens that the rain is followed by frost,which changes this water into ice.Now the ice takes up more room than the water,and as it freezes it widens the cracks and pores of the rocks,and thus breaks off some pieces.


②Dissolves,brings to a liquid state;melts.

7.The waves of the sea beat on the cliffs all round the coast,break off large pieces of the rocks,and dash them about on the shore,until at last they are broken into the tiny particles①whichwe call “sand”and “mud.”The rivers,too,which run over the land wear away their rocky banks in the same way.

8.Do you know why the soil is so much darker in colour than the subsoil and the rock beneath it?It is because a good deal of matter from decayed plants is mixed with the soil.The roots of plants,the leaves which fall off the trees,and the greater part ofthe manure②which we add to the soil,are all made of vegetablematter;and there is sometimes so much of this in the ground that the soil is nearly black.


The soil is a loose black or dark-brown earth,and is easy to dig.Below the soil is the subsoil,which is lighter in colour and harder to dig.Still deeper down is the solid rock.The depth of the soil and subsoil varies much in different places.The soil and the subsoil once formed part of the solid rock.Limestone is slowly dissolved by rain-water,and sandstone is worn away by the beating of the rain upon it.The pores of rocks also get filled with water,which freezes and splits off pieces of the rocks.The waves of the sea and the current of rivers also wear away the rocks,forming sand and mud.The dark colour of the soil is due to the decayed vegetable matter which is mixed with it.



①Particles,very small parts.

②Manure,a substance mixed with land to make it bear better.










②有机质含量5%-10%的土叫“有机质土”(organic soil),其中的代表是黑土(black soil),我们最熟悉的就是北大荒的黑土地。如果有机质含量继续上升,达到了10%-60%,而且还含有腐烂的植物,这种土就叫“泥炭质土”(peaty soil)。60%以上就直接叫“泥炭”(peat)了。