
第82章 扎人的刺猬

1.The hedgehog is a common animal in every part of Great Britain where he can find suitable①food and lodgings②.We can easily see how he has got his name.He is often found at the①Suitable,fitting.


bottom of our hedges,and he has a nose somewhat like that of a pig or hog.In some districts①he is also called the “hedge-pig,”and in others the “urchin.”

2.The length of the full-grown hedgehog is about ten inches.His back and sides are covered with strong prickles or spines,each of which is about an inch in length.These spines are curved,and have a little bend at the end which is buried in the skin.His nose is black,and the under side of his body is covered with short yellow or white hairs.His tail is very short.

3.This animal has a splendid way of protecting himself from the dogs,foxes,or cats which may try to kill him.He rolls himself up into a ball,with his nose inside.All his sharp spines then stand straight up,ready to prick the nose of any enemy that attacks him.

4.The hedgehog‘s spiny②armour③is also very useful inkeeping him from getting hurt when he falls down from a height,as from the top of a wall.He rolls himself into a ball while he is falling,and the elastic spines break the force of the blow against the ground.

5.His legs are so short that as he runs his body nearly touches the ground.Each of his feet has five toes,and each toe is armed with a claw.With these claws the hedgehog can burrow④in theearth under the roots of trees,or in old walls;and in such places he often makes his home.

6.The hedgehog has no less than thirty-six teeth in his mouth,twenty being in the upper and sixteen in the lower jaw.With these teeth the little animal seizes and crushes the insects on which he chiefly lives.

①Districts,parts of the country.


③Armour,dress for defending from blows.

④Burrow,make holes in the ground.

7.Many people keep a hedgehog in their cellars and kitchens,to get rid of cockroaches,for he soon eats up these troublesome little insects.The hedgehog also eats earth-worms,snails,and slugs,and does much good in this way.He does a little harm,too,by eating roots and seeds.Hedgehogs kept as pets soon become fond of bread and milk.

8.We do not often see the hedgehog in our morning walks,for he does his walking during the night.He sleeps all day,and at night he goes forth to hunt for insects and other food.He sleepsthrough all the cold winter,too,lying snugly coiled①up in hisnest under the roots of some old tree.

9.The hedgehog has not very keen sight,but he can smell things very well.As he runs after his prey he makes a squeaking noise.If you have a tame hedgehog,you must not be surprised when you hear his funny little voice at night just as you are going to sleep.

10.Never injure or torment a hedgehog if you meet one in the lanes or fields.He is doing good by seeking for the insects which would otherwise eat the crops and garden-plants.He also attacks and kills snakes of all kinds,and it is said that he does not fear the bite of poisonous snakes.


The hedgehog,also called the “hedge-pig”and the “urchin,”is about ten inches in length.Its back is covered with strong curved spines,and its under side with short hairs.When attacked,it rolls itself into a ball.Its legs are very short,and each foot has five toes,armed with claws.It has thirty-six teeth-twenty in the upper,and sixteen in the lower jaw.The hedgehog feeds on insects.It sleeps through the day and seeks for food at night.It sleeps all through the winter.The bite of poisonous snakes is said not to hurt the hedgehog.

①Coiled,rolled up in a ball.

















