
第35章 模板作文赏析(16)

Actually,________A number of factors could account for the problem,but the following might be the critical ones.First,________Besides,________What‘s worse,________

In view of the seriousness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before things get worse.First,________Secondly,________With these measures taken,it is reasonable for us to expect a brighter future.______



1.Have you ever thought of the famous proverb…….?


2.To me,it is meaningful and signifcant in three respects.


3.When we talk about the famous proverb…….


4.We should not simply label it as right or wrong,but explore it in depth.


5.The well-known proverb……has long been accepted by all of us.


6.As the proverb says……



1.In the frst place,……In the second place,……Finally……


2.This proverb is especially true under several situations.First,……Second,……Third,……


3.Let’s take……as an example.


4.A case in point is……


5.Nevertheless,there are some exceptions……



1.We can learn a lot from this proverb and put it into practice——we should……


2.In a word,we can draw the conclusion that……


3.In certain circumstances,……..is the right choice


4.Judging from the examples given above,we may come to the conclusion that……



Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes t o write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste.You should write at least 150words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese)below:




“Haste makes waste”is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages.It has become a precept whose value is universally accepted.

This proverb can be verifed by many other proverbs,“There is no royal road in learning”,“Rome was not built in a day”.Anyway it means that one should not be overanxious for quick results,otherwise he will fail.If one wants to be a scholar,he should make persistent efforts,burying himself in books.If he wants to take a shortcut,he will never become a scholar.If one wants to be president of a country,he should frst display his remarkable ability in his routine work so that his ability will be recognized and accepted by others.However,if he is impatient for success,he will never realize his goal.If a man courts a woman,he should try to win her love gradually.He should not expect to win her heart within a day,otherwise he will never get true love.

In conclusion,one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success,otherwise he will suffer a setback.



1________is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages.

2.Anyway it means that________If one wants to be a________he should________If he wants to________he will never________



________is an English proverb which has equivalent expressions in many languages.

Anyway it means that________If one wants to be a________he should________If he wants to________he will never________However,________

In conclusion,one should follow in order and advance step by step and should not be impatient for success,________

Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes t o write a composition on the topic There Is No End to Learning.You should write at least 150words


There Is No End to Learning

Aa soon as I was enrolled in college I reit a big burden off my mind.So did my classmates.We just wanted to relax.But at our first English lesson on how to improve our study the teacher told us,“There is no end to learning.You can only become a top student with additional work.”And she said hard work is rewarding.

The teacher‘s words awakened me.In fact everyone in the world is always learning.Man’s talents are like wild plants.They need cutting and pruning with the tool of learning,We learn not only inside the classroom but also outside the classroom.Learning is a process in which man adapts to his surroundings.It is driven by man‘s desire to win respect and to contribute to society.It is the curiosity for knowledge stimulated by knowledge itself.“To learn is to be young.Not to learn is to die.”This saying applies to every society and to all ages.

Indeed,everyone living on the earth is learning all the time.Man learns not only from books but also from his own experience.We can not hope that as long as we learn we will gain benefts.Effcient study is inseparable from good methods and motivation,A man of a strong sense of responsibility and full of ambition is insatiable in learning.



1.Aa soon as________In fact________

2.not only________but also________

3.Indeed,________all the time.



Aa soon as________In fact________We lears not only but also________This saying applies to every society and to all ages.

Indeed,________all the time.We can not hope that as long as________

Directions:For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes t o write a composition on the topic My mottos of Life.You should write at least 150words.