大B:“我再考考你,用C 、Java、C#或VB。NET任意一种面向对象语言实现一个简单程序。”
*Copyright(c)1994-1999 Sun Microsystems,Inc。
*901 San Antonio Road,Palo Alto,California,94303,U。S。A。
*All rights reserved。
*This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Sun
*Microsystems,Inc。(“Confidential Information”)。You shall not
*disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
*accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
*with Sun。
package java。blah;
import java。blah。blahdy。BlahBlah;
/ *Class description goes here。
*@version 1.82
*@author Firstname Lastname
public class Blah extends SomeClass{
/*A class implementation comment can go here。*/
*classVar2 documentation comment that happens to be
*more than one line long
private static Object classVar2;
/**instanceVar1 documentation comment*/
public Object instanceVar1;
/**instanceVar2 documentation comment*/
protected int instanceVar2;
/**instanceVar3 documentation comment*/
private Object[]instanceVar3;
/ public class Blah extends SomeClass{
/*A class implementation comment can go here。*/
*classVar2 documentation comment that happens to be
*more than one line long
private static Object classVar2;
/**instanceVar1 documentation comment*/
public Object instanceVar1;
/**instanceVar2 documentation comment*/
protected int instanceVar2;
/**instanceVar3 documentation comment*/
private Object[]instanceVar3;
/ *……constructor Blah documentation comment……
public Blah(){
//……implementation goes here……
/ *……method doSomething documentation comment……
public void doSomething(){
//……implementation goes here……
/ *……method doSomethingElse documentation comment……
*@param someParam description
public void doSomethingElse(Object someParam){
//……implementation goes here……