
第50章 美丽人生 (10)

14. Skirt fluttering, you stride along the Jialing River.

15. The full moon on the river,

16. Shining on my heart with lovesick.

17. Is your night the same as mine?

18. The light of lonely night, drifting in the sounded sleep,

19. My night, as lonely as the bamboo in Banqiao’s painting,

20. As sad as the tears of flowers in DuFu’s poem.

21. Tell me, can tears of heart ever wet the flimsy night?

22. All the thoughts,

23. Hiding in you faint breaths,

24. Warm and sweet, as that of a flower,

25. Penetrating the dark night,

26. Will your night be the same as mine?

1. 黑夜在黑夜里流淌

2. 栖息的鸟群

3. 什么时候掠过清寂的村庄

4. 乡村一无所有,栀子花开放的季节

5. 你简单的背影是我唯一的风景

6. 和着书桌上钟摆的声音

7. 在我的灵魂里停歇

8. 你的夜晚是否与我的夜晚一样

9. 一生中许多次幸福的苦难

10. 还有许多次苦难的幸福

11. 在夜箫声里

12. 上升成一种高度

13. 每每风起之夜,从嘉陵江的古岸

14. 你款款而来,裙裾飘袂

15. 盈盈满满的是一轮江上明月

16. 照我红豆的相思

17. 你的夜晚是否与我的夜晚一样

18. 夜色孤寂,在沉睡的梦里流动

19. 我的今夜是板桥的一棵瘦竹

20. 杜甫绝句中花朵溅出的眼泪

21. 而心灵的泪水能湿润这薄薄的夜色吗

22. 所有的情绪

23. 隐藏在你淡淡的气息里

24. 温馨如花

25. 把黑夜彻底香透

26. 你的夜晚是否与我的夜晚一样

First Snow第一场雪

1. He wasn’t sure what had awakened him. Perhaps the child had made some small noise in her sleep. But as he peeked from beneath the covers, his gaze was drawn not to the cradle but to the window.

2. It was then that he realized what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers. It was the sense of falling snow.

3. Quietly, so as not to disturb the child’s mother, he rose from the bed and inched toward the cradle. Reaching down, he gently lifted the warm bundle to his shoulder. Then, as he tiptoed from the bedroom, she lifted her head, opened her eyes and—daily dose of magic—smiled up at her dad.

4. He carried her downstairs, counting the creaks on the way. Together, they settled in at the kitchen table, and the adult in him slipped away. Two children now, they pressed their noses against the glass.

5. The light from the street lamp on the corner filtered down through the birch trees, casting a glow as green as a summer memory upon the winter-brown back yard. From the distance came the endless echo of the stoplight, flashing its ruby message, teasing like a dawn that would not come.

6. The flakes were falling thick and hard now, pouring past the window, a waterfall of mystery. Occasionally, one would stick to the glass, as if reluctant to tumble to its fate. Then, slowly, slipping and sliding down the glass, it would melt, its beauty fleeting. Gone.

7. Within an hour, a white tablecloth was spread upon the lawn. And as gray steaks of dawn unraveled along the black seam of the distant hills, father and daughter watched the new day ripple across the neighborhood.

8. A porch light came on. A car door slammed. A television flickered.

9. Across the street, a family scurried into gear. But this day was different. Glimpsed through undraped windows as they darted from room to room, the slim figures of the children seemed to grow ever fatter until; finally, the kitchen door flew open and out burst three awesomely bundled objects that set instantly to rolling in the snow.

10. He wondered where they had learned this behavior. Even the littlest one, for whom this must have been the first real snowfall, seemed to know instinctively what to do.

11. They rolled in it, they tasted it, they packed it into balls and tossed it at one another. Then, just when he thought they might not know everything, they set about shaping a snowman on the crest of the hill.

12. By the time the snowman’s nose was in place, the neighborhood was fully awake. A car whined in protest, but skidded staunchly out of its driveway. Buses ground forward like Marines, determined to take the hill. And all the while, the baby sat secure and warm in his arms.

13. He knew, of course, that she wouldn’t remember any of this. For her there would be other snowfalls to recall. But for him, it was her first. Their first. And the memory would stay, cold and hard, fresh in his thoughts, long after the snowman melted.

1. 他还不大清楚是什么把他从睡梦中唤醒了。也许是孩子梦里弄出的小声响吧。可当他悄悄从被子里探出头来,吸引他目光的不是小女儿的摇篮,而是窗外。

2. 这会儿他才知道是什么悄然袭入他的梦乡,让他醒来。是他感觉到了窗外簌簌飘舞的雪。

3. 为了不吵醒孩子的母亲,他轻轻起来,一点点挪近女儿的摇篮。俯身轻柔地将这温热的襁褓抱起。蹑手蹑脚走出卧室,这时,他怀中的小宝宝睁开眼睛,扬起头,像往常一样,冲爸爸一笑,这笑总让爸爸心中有说不出的甜美。

4. 他抱着小女儿往楼下走,小心翼翼地,惟恐弄出一点儿响动。他们在厨房的餐桌边站定。此时,他觉得心中那种成人的感觉溜得无影无踪了。现在是两个孩子,鼻子贴着玻璃看雪。

5. 街角路灯的光透过白桦树,洒在地上,一片暗绿,仿佛在冬天枯黄的花园里投下了一抹夏日的记忆。远处红色交通灯的光无休止地渗透过来,红宝石一般闪烁着,如同姗姗来迟的黎明逗人地眨着眼睛。

6. 这会儿雪花越来越大,越下越密了,从窗前纷纷扬扬地飘过,像神秘的飞瀑。偶尔,有一片雪花粘在窗玻璃上,似乎是不甘心于命运,不愿就这么落到地上去。于是,它在窗上慢慢地滑落,然后融化,它的美丽也倏地消失。不见了。

7. 不到一小时,草坪就像罩上了雪白的台布。一道道灰蒙蒙的曙色沿着远处幽暗的山峰铺散开来。此时,父女俩便看到新的一天向邻舍蔓延开去。

8. 先是一家门廊里亮了灯,接着传来“砰”的一下车关门声。然后谁家电视机又忽闪忽闪地亮了起来。

9. 街对面,有一家人拉开了窗帘,很快开始了新的一天。可今天有点不大一样。透过窗户,只见那家的几个孩子在几间房屋里来回跑动,瘦小的身影似乎变得越来越胖,最后,厨房门蓦地打开了,蹦出来三个包裹得圆圆滚滚的小东西,在雪地里打起滚来。

10. 他暗自诧异他们是从哪儿学来的这一招。即便是那个最小的孩子,按说这应该是他真正经历的第一场雪,可他也似乎本能地知道在雪中该做些什么。

11. 那几个孩子在雪地里打滚,把雪放在口中品尝,又攒起雪球打仗。他想,他们知道的玩法也许就这么多,不会什么都知道吧。可就在这时,那几个孩子已开始在山头堆起了雪人。

12. 待他们把雪人的鼻子做好,邻居们也全都醒了。一辆小车在小道上拼命地“呜呜”叫着,可还是滑到了一边。公共汽车则像停在浅滩的海军陆战队一样,随时准备夺取前面的小山。而这段时间,他的小宝宝一直暖暖地、安逸地躺在他的怀中。

13. 他知道,他的宝宝自然不会记住今天看到的一切。对他的宝宝来说,往后会有别的雪景让她去回忆。可对他来说,今天这场雪是他宝宝生命中的第一场雪。是他们共同经历的第一场雪。即便是那个雪人完全融化了,这场雪也会带着它的寒意,真真切切地长留在他的回忆中。

The Music Within心灵深处的音乐

1. Life…What is it?

2. See it in the colors of autumn,

3. A gentle snowfall in winter,

4. A sudden shower in spring,

5. The radiance of a summer day.

6. Behold it in the laughter of the young and the old.

7. Know of it in a surge of hope,

8. The blessings that are bountiful.

9. What is life?

10. It is joy, awareness,

11. And the music within.

1. 生命是什么?

2. 它浸染在五彩缤纷的秋色里,

3. 飘融在轻柔无语的冬雪中,

4. 在阵阵春雨里,

5. 在绚丽夏日中。

6. 它包含在老人爽朗的笑声里,也隐匿在孩子们天真的嬉戏中。

7. 它汹涌在人们的希望里,

8. 它荡漾在美好的祝福中,

9. 生命是什么?

10. 是欢乐,是领悟,

11. 是心灵深处的音乐。