
第38章 庞贝古城——灭顶之灾后的生命赞歌(3)

The painting shows the painter's careful study of the ambient light with highlights and shades delicately designed to show the couple's clothing and features. It shows how realistic some of the paintings of ancient Roman times were. Artists of the Renaissance were inspired by paintings like these as they looked for ways to make their own paintings look more life-like.




The Amphitheatre in Pompeii:suspendedfor 10 years because of the rebellion

People in Roman times went to the Amphitheater to see plays and gladiators fight. Some amphitheaters could be filled with water so that ship battles could be fought. Sometimes circuses with acrobats and animal acts would stage shows in the Amphitheater.

This is considered to be the world's oldest known amphitheater. About the size of a modern football stadium, it had a seating capacity of 12,000 spectators. It was here in 59 AD that a riot broke out during a competition with a rival city. The death of many spectators caused the Roman Senate to forbid any games in the Pompeii Amphitheater for the next 10 years.

The huge square area, called the Palaestra, to the southwest of the Amphitheater was built in the days of Augustus Caesar. This Palaestra served as a gymnasium and a place to indoctrinate the young people in Augustan ideals. In the center was a huge swimming pool, sloping from 3 feet to 8 feet deep.





Pompeii temple ruins:The faun

Immediately in front of the entrance to this villa is a Latin welcome sign, "HAVE", a simple mosaic in the sidewalk. Covering 6 acres, the House of the Faun is one of the largest and most luxurious examples of a first century residence.

The villa was named for the bronze statuette of a dancing faun, the reproduction of which is seen here in the impluvium. Mount Vesuvius can be seen in the background.




The biggest highlights of Pompeii:The plaster casts

With plaster casts now scattered about the ancient city, we can observe the images of Pompeians as they died. Most tourists find these casts both macabre and enjoyable.It is still true today. J. W. Goethe wrote about Pompeii, "Many a calamity has happened in the world, but never one that has caused so much entertainment to posterity as this one." People’s interest in the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 comes to mind as a modern example of society's fascination with how people react when they recognize that their own death is imminent.

