
第81章 紫罗兰与三色堇

1.How pleasant it is to stroll①along the lanes in early spring-time,and to find the lovely blue or white violets hiding in the grass by the roadside!Wild pansies,too,which are of the same family of plants,can be found in the fields and on the moors②during most of the summer.

2.The “sweet violet,”so famous③for its delightful smell,grows wild in the south of England chiefly;but the wild pansy can be found almost everywhere in the British Isles.In some places the pansy is better known under the name of “heart’s-ease.”In shape its flowers are very much like those of the violet,but they are purple and yellow in colour.

①Stroll,walk slowly;wander.

②Moors,tracts of land covered with heather.


3.There is also a kind of violet called the “dog violet,”which has large blue flowers,but no perfume like that of the sweet violet.The dog violet is common all over the British Isles,and its flowers may be found all through the summer.

4.Now,just as there are wild animals and tame animals,so there are wild flowers and tame or cultivated flowers.Both the violet and the pansy have been “tamed”or cultivated for many years in our gardens.And these plantshave repaid①us for our care of them,byproducing larger and more beautiful flowers than the wild plants ever had.

5.Let us dig up one of these violet or pansyplants.If we wash the earth off the roots,weLEAF OF DOG VIOLET(犬堇菜的叶子)LEAF OF SWEET VIOLET(香堇菜的叶子)

shall see that,like the roots of most plants,they are pale brown in colour,or nearly white.This is because they grow beneath the ground,where the sun‘s light does not reach them.The green colour of plants is produced by the action of the sun’s light.Plants grown in the dark are white and unhealthy.

6.Sunlight is also necessary②for the proper growth of a plant.

The food which the roots draw from the soil,and the food which the leaves draw from the air,are changed by the action of light,and are made into starch③and other substances which build up the plant.We need not wonder,therefore,that plants spread out their leaves to get as much sunlight as they can.

①Repaid,paid back;rewarded.


③Starch,a white powdery substance which,when mixed with water,forms a paste for stiffening linen,etc.

7.Look at the curious shape of the flower.Do you see how it hangs on the end of a long flower-stalk,and how it always tries to face the sun?At the back of the flower are five small greenishsepals①;then come five brightly-coloured petals,blue or white in the violet,yellow or purple in the pansy.

The petals are of different shapes,and the lowest of them has a long,hollow spur.Inside the petals are fivelittle yellow dust-spikes,and in theVIOLET(紫罗兰)SECTION OF PART OF FLOWER


centre of the flower is the green vessel with ahooked top,which contains the young seeds.

8.The flowers of the sweet violet are rather small and darkly coloured,and they are not easily seen by insects.That is why the plant has such a sweet smell.It needs a strong perfume to attract the insects.


Wild pansies are of the same family as violets.Violets and pansies when cultivated produce larger and more beautiful flowers than when growing wild.The roots are pale brown or nearly white in colour.The flower consists of five green sepals and five brightly-coloured petals.The lowest petal has a long hollow spur.There are five little yellow dust-spikes,and in the centre is the green seed-vessel with its hooked top.The sweet violet needs a strong perfume to attract insects,as its flower is small and of a dark colour,and not easily seen.

①Sepals,divisions or leaves of the calyx.












